Wednesday, May 4, 2011


No, I mean disease! Asthma now affects one in ten U.S. children, and one in
twelve adults in this country according to the CDC. One reason for that could be because allergy treatments for children are expensive, and require a tremendous
time and energy committment from parents.
Our air is not good, our treatments are out of reach for so many 8 -5 workers.
Most doctors are reluctant to diagnose asthma in the first place. Hospitals
refuse to allow private physicians to admit asthma patients. People are
asked to go right to the emergency room; so the diagnosis is professional thorn.
Xolair is a remarkable controller medecine; but most doctors don't even
want to let people know about it as a treatment because it is so expensive.
If these same doctors would use it more often, wouldn't the price come down?
Xolair was developed to supress symptoms between injections, but it also
takes a lot of danger out of an actual asthma attack.
As the air gets worse, our medical community should be much more serious
about preventing asthma illness and death.
A doctor told a medical conference I attended that he became an asthma specialist
in the first place because he saw his dad suffer with an asthma
cough so powerful, while the doc was still a child, that the cough broke
his father's ribs.
Asthma is a bad, chronic, violent disease whose cures can cause diabetes,
high blood pressure, and therefore heart trouble. The attacks can cause
choking, injury, and death within twenty minutes of onset.
We need new committments for the handling of this disease.

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