Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Enemies Of Health Care

Those of you who have wonderful health care, don't worry so much. There may be enough of you to
keep your regular doctor as pleased as punch. I doubt you will have to sit next to a minority in his
waiting room. He will do what he has been doing. He will continue to move.
Many of you have lost that battle anyway, however, because doctors choose metropolitan centers
in which to practice. Metropolitan centers are gaining minorities. Sorry.
Perhaps you could take example from one of my favorite actors, and one of America's too. Mr. Andy Griffith. He passed away today, but not before he stood up or President Obama's Affordable Care Act. He was born and lived in North Carolina,a state he seemed to dearly love; and he was rich. But he didn't look for any excuses to live unevolved. He left a great example for us all.

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