Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Family Leave

Every day I wake up wondering if 20 children were murdered all at once in Connecticut. Could that actually be true?
America is such a complicated society, we are all insane to assume we won't get even younger victims if our
business class don't get on board with child care and psychotherapy leave.
What happens to a person who does have post childbirth depression when she doesn't live near family, but her husband has to keep leaving the house every morning?
Initially, only the husband can accurately report the manifestations of his wife's problems if the couple is not
emotionally estranged. A person in the throes of postpartum doesn't actually know what is happening to her;
but psychiatrists are learning so much now about neglect and abuse that occurs pre-verbally. Those experiences are obviously processed in such a way that the violence later expressed from them is often very
meticulously planned, unique in objective ideal preferences, and easily manifested as objectifying other people.
Emotional isolation is obviously too easily absorbed in some families.
Gun control alone will do nothing. Mrs. Lanza may have had so many guns BECAUSE she felt her son was
alone and vulnerable without her. She knew him to be so odd that she may have thought he was the one at risk.
A woman who has nothing in her record to prevent her from buying guns will buy them if she feels she isn't
getting any younger, her son is odd enough to be a tormented loner with or without her, and has no support
systems to help him grow older in his world.
It could very well be that the odder the young man seemed to her the more she relied on a fantasy of outward protection.
We can't know why he wanted to kill such young children, but if he did do Kindergarten, he may have blamed first graders and first grade teachers for rejecting him enough to insure he must be home schooled.
Or he may have stopped at the first room near the entrance to ensure he could get started as soon as he could.
One thing clear to me is that he seemed to be unable to wait one minute longer than he absolutely had to in
order to get started in his slaying orgy.
How would he have needed to put so many bullets in a body small enough to be six or seven years old.
He had been to gun rages enough to know he needed live human targets in order feel really good. he knew
as well he wasn't willing to go to jail.
If he hadn't had a gun he would have used a hammer. He needed to have some fun, even if it were only
going to be once in his life.
He had probably been dying inside to do something of the nature of what he did since puberty, or even
The point is that we do have scientists who postulate on these sorts of patterns. We need them is schools. We need them in maternity wards, and at six week check-ups.
People take days-old babies back to hospitals if the baby's hospital discharge suggests jaundice.
Babies have an unyielding need for steadfast relationship commitment.
We are going to have to begin to honor families who must adjust to those needs.
I don't think it will as heavy a lift as mass funerals every week.

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