Monday, November 24, 2014

POTUS On Ferguson

The law, sir, as expressed in Ferguson, is a mirror image of the laws which have always supported
lynchings of black American citizens.
The law in Ferguson is like the laws of old South Africa.
American 'law' enforcement reserves the right to execute killing young black men at will.
These 'officers' are killing scores of young black men now.
We cannot define peace if there is never an excuse for violence unless it is against black bodies.
Killers in the civil rights 60s ran to hide.
These freaks aren't doing that, sir.
They are killing us and taking us to task when we don't like it.
I can no longer say what defines peace.
However, maybe it can be defined by lawlessness in the police meeting citizens who will themselves
decide what to be arrested for, rather than let these badge-wearing criminals decide. Perhaps that's
the new peace. And perhaps this is one of the prices we've paid for electing the first black President
Of The United States Of America.
People in power, people who were close to Mike Brown Jr. may not see in this moment, that 1619- 2014 is enough of this disgusting acceptance so often forced on us.
There is no law in Ferguson.
Am I the only one who notices that?

McCullough The Conflating Liar: This Is What The World Sees

According to this man, when someone is dying, different witnesses see a person in different stages
of loss of ability as loss of life creeps over him are said to be makingt things up, I suppose out of malice?
This man is a clown who has himself made up a story in which a young man is killed in cold blood,
and left to die unaided in the streets for no reason in particular, yet no truth can be found to support
what happened.
Witnesses who had consistent statements apparently amounted to nothing but a shrug of the shoulders.
When this young man was killed, it was because Wilson wanted to kill him.
What is wrong within that? According to officials, nothing.
In McCollough's mind, in the minds of the grand jury... the truth here is either nonexistent, ephemeral, or completely irrelevant. The witnesses, and the evidence all amount to nothing.
Why did this man run his mouth so long? I would imagine he had to do so as a show of power,
because he hates that Mike Brown's community loved him; and this prosecutor wants to torture
Mike Brown Jr.'s parents for that reason.
We learned what we already knew- that the police community could care less about Mike Brown Jr.,
that Darren Wilson ( who wasn't actually discussed) is not important either; but that police officials will back each other up when any of them is killing a young black man, for any reason- or for no reason.
However, Burkina Faso may want to have a few million more citizens.

New York Minorities Paid The Central Park Five

New York policemen have stolenso much from minority communities, and lied so much about charges these communities have had to pay their way out of, that any of the mllions rhe Central
Park Five finally settled to receive, came in the long run from communities fraudulently accused
for years.

Protecting Protesters

Yeah, right...that's what Ferguson officials have been trying to do.
Do they think if they give us lots of jobs we won't mind them killing our kids in cold blood?
They are saying that, but they don't actually believe that, right?
A badge gives someone the right to slaughter our young people?
No. No it doesn't. Think again.

Damage People- Not Property

Let police kill and destroy people on a  whim.
But cut down anyone upsetting property!

The Independents In Our American Congress

We have only a handful of Independents in our Congress, but I would like them to drive the 2016 debating, along with Elizabeth Warren.
Republicans are hopelessly non-progressive.
And Democrats are becoming increaslingly conservative.
Barbara Boxer suggested truly vile punitive measures be floated to discourage voter fraud.
So making sentencing more assaultive will discourage voters even more than new and ever-changing
I.D. laws.
We already have voting laws.
She suggested mandatory jail time and hundreds of thousands of dollars in fines.
Thinking the people who suggest this increasingly punitive nonsense are supposedly on the side of voters means people could believe actual admitted conservatives would suggest a firing squad for inappropriate voter behavior. In that sort of climate, why would an average voter even take a chance on a false accusation, let alone a false conviction!
The line between Democrats and Republicans is getting fuzzier by the moment.

ISIL World View

ISIL philosophy seems not based so much on the Koran, though I am no expert by any means,
but on The Old Testament in the western Bible.

To See Ourselves As ISIL Sees Us

As far as ISIL is concerned, George W. Bush and Dick Cheney are war criminals.
Imagine what citizens who were generals, and professional politicians in the Baathe Party
believe about not running their own country?
They will recede, and come back, continually, like the tides.
We can't be drawn into full fledged war, because only a sea change, a paradigm shift, will ever
cause embittered Persians to want to put away their arms as a way of living.

All These Calm Old Black Men

Congressman Emmanuel Cleaver understands. He remarked to one reporter today, 'the young men have announced they are not 'John Lewis' protesters. We are tired of getting shot at.'

American Apartheid

Voter I.D. is just the beginning.
Voters have always had to identify themselves.
The new stringent requirements asked of voters begin to outline the "papers please"
mentality and policy of a racist authority.
Regimes do this.
South African officials did this to black citizens living in their own land.
Few families can trace their history in America farther back than African America families
can. The descendants of slaves are very, very American. The slaves built a nation rich enough and
powerful enough to defeat the 18th century British Army and Navy.
Without the North American slaves, ther'd have been no place at all about which the statue could
say, "Give me your tired, your poor..."

Do You Like Your Children Murdered?

Well if you don't we are gonna tear gas you!
Anyone does anything we don't like, we are going to
train guns on you all.
This is what we call law enforcement.
If that weren't so sad, it would be so laughable.

Peace In America

Peace here may mean people are quiet, and soft-spoken, and orderly when their youngsters are gunned down in cold blood and left lying dead in the streets for hours like road kill.
Later, hours later, the murdered young man's body was hauled away in an SUV.
And the community felt so peaceful regarding it all.
Wait? Would that be a community of human being people?

American Police Insist On Shooting Any Young Black Male

The home boys I know are packing and ready.
They don't normally kill people.
But they do not trust "po pos".
Seems unusual, because police rarely kill armed black men, except maybe in
Hollywood movies.

Violence: Shooting Unarmed Young Men- Very Violent

Is there any possible way in the world for anyone in Ferguson to behave more viciously than
Darren Wilson, or the Ferguson Police department for that matter.

The Indictment Came In August 9th- 2014

Mike Brown Jr.'s community indicted Darren Wilson.
Now they want to know if anyone has yet heard them.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

An Awful Anniversary

The closer we get to the holidays, the closer we get to the anniversary of the Newtown massacres in Connecticut.
My heart is aching over this.
In part, I'm very hurt to know our collective conscience has withered from loving our guns so much more than we love our babies...our small, helpless humans. Something is choking off  the blood flow to our morality muscle- and we seem to relish the twisted rush that's giving us. .
Going forward, we are going to need more than our guns. We are going to need God to have mercy on our immortal souls. And for that, as well as for the children in whose honor we have changed absolutely nothing, so that we could mourn them, I do sincerely pray.