Monday, November 24, 2014

POTUS On Ferguson

The law, sir, as expressed in Ferguson, is a mirror image of the laws which have always supported
lynchings of black American citizens.
The law in Ferguson is like the laws of old South Africa.
American 'law' enforcement reserves the right to execute killing young black men at will.
These 'officers' are killing scores of young black men now.
We cannot define peace if there is never an excuse for violence unless it is against black bodies.
Killers in the civil rights 60s ran to hide.
These freaks aren't doing that, sir.
They are killing us and taking us to task when we don't like it.
I can no longer say what defines peace.
However, maybe it can be defined by lawlessness in the police meeting citizens who will themselves
decide what to be arrested for, rather than let these badge-wearing criminals decide. Perhaps that's
the new peace. And perhaps this is one of the prices we've paid for electing the first black President
Of The United States Of America.
People in power, people who were close to Mike Brown Jr. may not see in this moment, that 1619- 2014 is enough of this disgusting acceptance so often forced on us.
There is no law in Ferguson.
Am I the only one who notices that?

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