Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Are We Already Educated?

The insidious implication in current Republican politics is that anyone in this country who votes,
and who should have an education, already has one. 
People who would need a public school education are not worth educating in the average
In the Republican idyll of an elitist ownership society, a permanently underprivileged
class of people provide a consistent supply of cheap labor, whether or not that cheap pool
is intelligent, educated, or intellectually challenged.
It seems the owner class feels able to afford to separate the wheat from the chaff.
Discarding workers one has not had to invest in will usually be an uneventful shrug of the
Presently, and for decades now, the rich have decided they pay for public education
without ever considering the "privilege" of using it. For that, the public they have to abide
owes them all its first born sons and daughters, along with any intellectual heft those offspring
happen to have developed, or to have innately.
Conservatives believe populations exist for their usage, not for the development of societies
in which life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are to flourish.
Life, in the conservative estimation, is the same for the poor, as the reality of being a
living, breathing organism. No other sense of living need be considered, because for an
unprivileged person, only those definitions and gradations of being alive offered by
a privileged elite need be considered.
A middle class is then completely superfluous. Middle classes are conduits to some better
access to privilege, earned by the merits of work and study.
The already elite have decided their ideas of work and how it should be compensated are
to reign supreme in America forever. Study, in addition, should be compensated
according to how a boss or COO (Chief Operating Officer) wants to employ a particular
skill- that 'how', in itself becoming part and parcel and then the total of that compensation.
Liberty, according to the ideas of the most conservative of the rich, is another finely-tuned
concept to be elucidated by their ideas of what it should be for all of us. Liberty, in their estimation,
is the privilege of living in a right to work state. It need consist of no more than that; most
certainly not for women.  Women, as far as the privileged are concerned, comprise millions and millions of people who are costly to legislate for if they are not already rich.
The pursuit of happiness is the most elusive concept of the three American tenets of
basic societal rights. Pursuit for the non-rich will consist of pursuing the rich. The not rich must ...
Hope the rich are the happy ones.
Hope they will hire.
Hope they will pay fair wages. .
Hope they will otherwise  compensate all working classes fairly, safely.
Hope against hope that your government will completely abandon you and your loved
ones to the whims and qualms of owner elites.
For any government to attempt to get between you and the fervent desires of billionaires will make the billionaires angry, and then themselves abandoning. aren't the hopes we wanted.

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