Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Legalization...Not Immigration- Is Broken

Develop a path to legalization. Develop several paths to legalization. That would mean we are all
Things will change, though.
Businesses will not be able to hire people for ten cents per day. They will not be happy. The middle
class wants some of those jobs immigrants have to do now to pay a living wage, or a part-time wage.
Immigrants don't all care that much about citizenship because then they would have to ask for real
wages, and like the rest of us, not get hired.
So if the business community doesn't actually want legalization, and immigrants themselves don't all
care about legalization, middle class America will have to find a non-violent way to push for it, to achieve it.
Average American citizens will have to actively agitate or legalization.
I suppose my ancestors worked hard to wrest my citizenship from the American Iroquois, Seminole,
Choctaw, etc. I myself, however, did nothing or my path to citizenship, save let my mom and dad
and nature and Dr. Dickson birth me. Wasn't I great and deserving to do that?!

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