Friday, September 28, 2012

Mr. Governor

To seem like a regular guy is something the governor cannot want.
As with many of the nouveau riche, he prefers
to be seen as a rich guy. He does have disdain for anyone satisfied to live without millions in their
personal finances.
He doesn't seem to have a true Harvard education either. He is some sort of savant with a good parroting memory.( He may be good at thinking on his feet when he feels in position to bully someone. However, President Obama is not 'that guy' who caves to a pushy person armed more with quips than facts. Our president has already said he was a big kid other kids knew better than to try.)
The governor believes we should work on being able to open windows in airplanes-  not for any old generic reason, but to get oxygen in during a fire.
I suppose Mrs. Romney could be outfitted, along with her plane, to sky dive out and open a parachute
in an emergency. That's a lot of prep time for an emergency.
And what I would suggest, is that someone attempt to put the fire out first.
Typically, educated persons have a bit of  high school chemistry and physics in their backgrounds;
and they are able to think critically, their thoughts telescoping out from the most basic of the
principles of the subject about which they are communicating.
So what exactly does Governor Romney know about the relationship between the speed of aircraft and air pressure, and of the relationship between oxygen and fire? I'd like to hear what he thinks right now. But then, he still hasn't answered the question of what is suspect about his tax returns. I've
been wondering about that a lot longer.

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