Saturday, September 29, 2012

Romney-Ryan Women

You'd better be rich, or upper middle-class.
Otherwise, birth control may slip out of your reach. Republicans revere the egg.
The developed woman...not so much.
Better hope you don't fall in love.
Love really can't be planned though.
If you do dearly love him, you'd better hope your feelings are mainly platonic.
Planning to be celibate had better work.
If the two of you ever find yourselves alone, you'd better hope nature Doesn't take its course.
Or you could hope he just isn't that into you, and you aren't much bothered by that fact.
Otherwise- you have no idea when you will be pregnant.
You can't know that should the pregnancy or the birth threaten your life you will have the choice to live.
As long as you are of childbearing age, you won't be able to tell an employer when you will be available for work, or when you will be at the end of a last trimester.
Still, you can be someones dependent, however.
You can go see the movie, Nurse Betty to help you decide whether or not you actually want to be
someones dependent.
You don't know if you will have a high risk pregnancy with a right to complete, up to date medical care.
You don't know if the baby will be born healthy enough for you to leave him in six weeks; and you
haven't had sufficient control over the timing of your pregnancy to plan for that eventuality.
There probably isn't any Medicaid, so if he or she is a child with a birth defect, you will have to
hope begging works. With the social safety net in place, you'd have been able to find what help
your baby qualified to have put in place for his care.
You don't know you won't need to help your parents should their Medicare have been entrusted to Republicans.
You don't know whether you will need to help his parents, because we may have trusted their Medicare to Republicans.
You don't know that choosing your legal right to an abortion at some point in your life, will afford you a clean safe place to obtain services.
You don't even know that the voter suppression techniques employed against minorities and students at the hands of Republican politicians will not someday extend to pregnant women, or women who haven't had five years of continuous full time employment outside a home.
Sound extreme?
Yes. Republican politicians sound, and ARE extreme.
You must contribute what they want, when they want it- or possibly be assigned to an unpleasant statistical group!
If you are not wealthy, you may as well tell yourself you are living in the 19th century.
The one thing you will probably be able to do, is go to the library to get some books on women
and suffrage from 150 years ago.
Perhaps the same methods it took a century to develop autonomy for women, can start
to be re-employed now, so your little 21st century baby girls will again be free, in both mind and body...before say, 2099.

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