Thursday, October 11, 2012

Rah Dee Dah

If the Republican ticket thinks POTUS is going to lay down because he won't take the bait to call a
Mormon bishop a liar, repeatedly, then they are all sadly mistaken.
Our president didn't take that bait; yet still got compared to boys...liar boys.
President Obama has said he was too polite, and he may have been; but why should he have to take a risk of that sort when it's apparently the job of the 24 hour news cycle to call Romney a liar on so many things, and in so many ways for days and days at a time, all day every day.
The newsy ones who could care less about the political malfeasance in the Trayvon Martin slaying,
will continue to talk about Romney's lies day after day...and thank the Lord they do.
A fifty-something black guy getting aggressive or 'smart' with a sixty plus church official makes the
optics so awful on TV in America, even in a fair debate.
And then tomorrow Veep has the freedom to be ticket attack dog.
He has the skill.
He has the expertise.
He has the experience.
He has the grit.
He has the will, the determination, the chops,and all the facts and figures from both campaigns.
He even has the scariest thing of all...DCCC permission!
Now go on out there Veep, and make that wannabe one with his boss...please, pretty please.

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