Friday, October 26, 2012

They've Only Begun

If  U.S. health law begins to desiccate the most intimate rights half our population has, our government can then begin to crush all rights for a majority of Americans.
Roe v. Wade acknowledges rights which are inalienable because American privacy is an inalienable
If half the American populace has diminished privacy rights regarding what goes directly in and out of their bodies, then diminished rights will become established law and precedence for the other half ...all in due time.
We don't live in 1973 any longer. So if in the 21st century, great swathes of the American public lose
a group of the most basic of human rights, even though reproduction is used as the impetus, less definitive rights will not be far behind in falling to a lack of access to privacy.
If forty years of established rights and laws fall, those years will take a great deal of personal security with them.
One by one, any and all privacy rights will wither away on the vines of government formerly of the
people, by the people, and for the people.
And where will those rights reside in dormancy?
They will live within the purview of states.
And then slowly, the legacy of the Kennedy-Johnson administrations will be wiped away.
The legacy of the Franklin Delano Roosevelt administration will become vestigial, at best.
So there will be no point in hating Iran.
The armed forces, and the radicals in government will rule all of daily life.
We will be Iran.

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