Friday, October 19, 2012

Ms. Crowley

I cannot imagine what anyone expected the moderator to do.
As moderator, Ms. Crowley was to pose audience questions in a timely manner, choosing various
audience members to be able to speak to candidates.
She gave each candidate a chance to speak to a question. Check.
Then she said it was time to move along to another audience person/question. Check.
Gov. Romney very assertively replied, 'No, blah, blah, blah.'
Uh oh.
Ms. Crowley is thwarted now; but she makes no reply.
Romney blathers on. He is in his glory because he's attacking.
When Republicans have no transparent way to be proactive, they attack. So on this day...
Everyone is listening.
Then Romney addresses the President.
Uh oh. He has abandoned following the rules, on this point too.
Ms. Crowley doesn't respond.
Now Romney questions the President.
Uh oh. That breaks the rules again.
The President, in deference to decorum, has taken his seat and remains there. Romney, on the other
hand, is so reveling in Romney, that he practically ignores the audience as he advances on
Candy Crowley.
The president, knowing the format has been abandoned by the governor, noting that the moderator's
direction is being ignored, simply says to the Rom guy: "Proceed...please proceed..." or some variation of those two terse words.
No one is doing anything in that room now, save listening to Gov. Romney, waiting for him to stop
talking of his own accord. Well,  he has already said he isn't going to follow the moderator,
and it isn't protocol for the President to stop him. The President, a leadership guy, chooses protocol.
But finally, in the interest of Gov. Romney NOT proceeding ad infinitum, Ms. Crowley gives a fact
concerning the event in question.
She was in real time. Her duty was to move things along!
She was not to have waited indefinitely for Gov. Romney to realize he wasn't alone in a room with
his peeps.

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