Saturday, October 20, 2012

Republicans Plan For The Future

Make no mistake about it. If the Romney-Ryan types get to advance their disgustingly restrictive
agendas, women's bodies will be only the start.
Once privacy laws are excluded from abortion rights, Republicans will then get into people's bodies
and bedrooms in many more ways. 
Acts between consenting adults won't be considered private for much longer.
Nothing between a doctor and patient will be any more private than elective abortion is.
Rich people will have lawyers which draw up extensive privacy documentation for physicians to sign; but what about the rest of us?
"Employers" will become a euphemism for anyone who has money to be admitted into the money
club. The guy who runs the dry cleaners down the street, or the grocery at the end of the block, won't be an employer in any Republican sense of the word as I understand it now.
Besides, if things go Romney's way, we probably won't be living on blocks anyway. He'd just as soon
we go back to four families in one unit of a tenement house again.
Rich people have been getting richer for years now. They are not hiring. We have to hire one another
as much as we can.
We cannot trust people who refuse to respect 47% of all our citizens. How did they come up with that
What about an only bread-winner husband in a family who falls in love with a younger woman when his children are ten and twelve?
Say he marries the other woman. Even if he pays child support for his children, if his first wife can only get a job in a diner, his children may fall below the poverty line. His ex is then one of the 47%.
But she works hard, keeps the younger one in school long enough to get her into college. The elder child had to drop out of school to work, helping with family bills- though she did keep up enough to get her G.E.D.
Once eight years have passed, aren't all three of the adults in my story in a different part of Romney's
Then the eldest child marries a soldier. Romney doesn't think soldiering is a valid reason for anyone to be in his 47. Now four different individuals in this family are in one part of Romney's 47.
When mom turns 62, her arthritis is her only health problem; but she can no longer walk well enough
for various restaurants to consider her as a waitress or hostess.
For thirty years mom put retirement into Social Security. Now she must retire. She is another part of
Romney's 47.
She has been a single mom 47.
Now she will be a retiree 47.
Her children have been under 18 years old 47s, minimum wage earner 47s, army wife 47s, college
student 47s.
What significance does the 47 have for these American earner, learner, soldier persons?
What do Republicans want from these citizens? What do Republicans admire? Oh! Right!
Ten or twelve highly skilled workers to a dorm room who are locked into the plant, work 7 days a week, and share one bathroom while earning one dollar per hour. Nice.
And when Richy Rich can't exploit the Chinese this way any longer, who is going to force the Chinese to honor his various banking concerns as his? No one. We, his fellow citizens, will be too
downtrodden and uneducated to learn enough banking and patent law to protect these greediest of
Americans from themselves by then.
There are only 300 million of us. If we are not trying to enhance each other, how are we to live as
sovereign citizens in a world of over 1 billion well-armed, formerly exploited, resentful Chinese persons?

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