Thursday, October 11, 2012


Truth doesn't seem to have much value in Republican politics. If someone asks why Mitt Romney is
so blatantly dishonest, one of his supporters asks: "What about Barack Obama?"
Whether or not Romney habitually lies and obfuscates has no meaning in the minds of his supporters.
How does a grown man change his mind every day without being either a liar or a neurotic?
None of his supporters care.
They could care less whether he is open, honest, empathic, interested in the majority of the country,
able to support middle class job careers, intelligent, or knowledgeable about intricate patterns in
world affairs. His supporters only care that he is not Barack Obama.
President Obama, even among many self-loathing black and brown people, was to have been all things to all people, just as scores of black people have had to be twice as prepared in this country to
get half the reward of other groups, for generations.
Expectations for Gov. Romney revolve around one thing, and one thing only. Beat President Obama.
He doesn't have to know anything about science. He doesn't have to know much about foreign affairs.
He doesn't have to understand the strengths or needs of the average American. There does not exist a
requirement  among his backers, that his plans for this country be explained clearly or concisely.
He is asked to beat President Obama. Republicans could care less about the honesty he has to ignore
in order to get that job done.
The reverse has not yet become a reality in democratic political life.
What bothers me, is that the closer we get to the election of 2012, the closer we could get to all sorts
of destructive behaviors which present actual  dangers to individual persons. If I don't mind lying, all
I need to do is whatever I happen to feel like doing at any given moment, as long as I feel I can lie my
way out of taking any responsibility for my whim.
Showing requested tax returns, kindness to animals, interest in close family, care about how money is
accumulated, aftermaths for those affected by my personal business decisions, caution about my investments in foreign economies, sensitivity about my tax evasion plans, are all unnecessary traits for me if I am to run for President of the United States of America as a Republican candidate.

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