Monday, October 22, 2012

Debate III In Real Time

What is going on?
Bob Scheiffer's first question was not intelligent. It had already been asked and answered in public many times.
Gov. Romney did not answer it anyway.
Gov. Romney is now sounding very reasonable and conciliatory. He is also speaking about gender
equality in the Mid-East when he claims to have no position on Lily Ledbetter. Well, she is an American who asked for gender equality Mr. Romney.
President Obama is concentrating on Gov. Romney's ever changing opinions on what his record has been.
Gov. Romney is deciding he doesn't agree about what his speeches of a few weeks ago had been
Mr. Scheiffer wants to know what POTUS intends to do about the year-long bloody conflict in Syria.
Our President wants to keep up humanitarian efforts, but not arm opposition leaders there who nay then turn the weapons on us or our allies.
Apparently Gov. Romney agrees in prepared, memorized remarks.
Now the President has become an agreeable.
These two are making nice, and Gov. Romney started it.
Chris Matthews, what is going on?! I want answers.
So- Mr. Scheiffer has gone on to Egypt, asking if we jumped the gun asking Mr. Mubarek to go.
President Obama has decided he had the correct responses in Egypt.
What!? Gov. Romney agrees?! Again? Where is the blood-letting?
What kind of gladiators are we getting here?
OK- here we go. Romney is spouting statistics again, and claiming our debt is our biggest national
threat, claiming our international reputation of strength is not what it was four years ago. Poppycock!
Four years ago all of the Mid-East was disgusted by us, save perhaps Jordan.
Now he claims we should have left more arms in Poland, and intervened in Iran's recent unrest. He is
bothered by what he sees as tensions between the U.S. and Israel.
Nonsense. We need our arms redeployed to the Pacific Rim, not rusting in Poland.
We can't get into conflicts with Iran's internal citizens' strife. We have other problems with Iran, problems we may be able to solve without putting Iranian citizens at risk in their own country.
POTUS is making it clear that enhancing U.S. workers and U.S. education, we will be able to be of
more help abroad.
I agree.
Four years ago, Europe and South America blamed the U.S. for the world's economic meltdown.
That meltdown was engineered by Republican administrations.
Again with the 'get rid of Obamacare'. Again.
No, Medicaid is not here just for "the poor".
Older people who cannot live at home any longer are stripped of all their belongings and assets so they can qualify or Medicaid supported nursing homes.
Babies born with birth defects have families who are eventually stripped down to a point where they
have to use Medicaid for a baby to get care.
People who didn't pay much into Social Security because they had low-wage jobs, often need some
OK, this is getting better. POTUS is telling Romney the Navy needs fewer horses and bayonets!
Romney apparently isn't seen by POTUS as someone who understands what the armed forces need
Mr.Scheiffer wants some assurances on our commitments to Israel.
The President says we are firmly promised to Israel's interest sphere.
Romney has decided to accuse Ahmadinejad as a practitioner of genocide.
And that would do what, exactly?
If we did have a chance to pull some Iranian teeth this morning, Romney's mouth may have just jeopardized.
POTUS says he and Israel have the same clock as regards Iran's nuclear readiness.
Here come the accusations now.
According to Romney, the President agreed to talk to America's indicted bad acting countries.
Then the President went around the world to apologize for America.
Then our country was not loud enough when Iranian citizens engendered their green revolution.
Romney: centrifuges are spinning in Iran, and POTUS visited Mid-East countries.
President Obama says when he visited the Mid-East, he visited the troops, and when he did get
to Israel, he didn't take fundraisers.
Mr. Schieffer wants to know what would happen if Israel called to say they were about to attack Iran.
Romney doesn't care to answer. To him, the world is shrinking from American influence because we
look weaker than we should; but no such letter would come as a surprise to us.
I think that fundraisers comment got to Romney.
Mr. Scheiffer: What if 2014 comes and the Afghanistan government isn't ready to take over their
country's security?
Gov. Romney doesn't know. He has begun to prattle on about Pakistan.
POTUS says he put a surge of troops into Afghanistan to make sure he could work on measured
objectives for Afghan authorities along with our allies. He seems to feel that surge aided the eventual
timeline he'd sought for leaving Aghanistan in 2014.
Why are Mr. Scheiffer and Gov. Romney talking about Pakistan as though India doesn't even exist.
Again some agreement though. Romney agrees with drone strikes.
POTUS is saying he has built ally relationships in many Mid-East countries. He says we stood with
Tunisians earlier than any other country when those citizens opted for freedom from dictatorship,
He asserts we were also early partners with Egypt and Libya to keep terror organizations from becoming dominant as new politics flowed into their governments.
But, where does China fit in, Mr. Scheiffer wants to know?  And where is our biggest terror threat now?
The President feels that China has to be fair players in economic matters.
Mr. Romney claims he would call China a currency manipulator on day one if he is elected.
Bob Scheiffer is asking if that wouldn't start a trade war.
Yes. Yes it would.
However many widgets we can sell for a dollar- China can sell millions more, and they can sell them
to any country they like, whether they are our allies or not.
So- Romney is filibustering again. He claims he wanted to save the auto industry. What a joke. Is that
what he meant when he said- "Let Detroit Go Bankrupt"?
He is a funny liar. Let's laugh.
POTUS in his last statement: I will bring jobs back home. I will invest in an educated America, an
America invested in research.
Gov. Romney wants to embrace freedom, balance the budget, get people good enough jobs to get them off food stamps, have a nation that is full of freedom and hope and his strong leadership. He
wants to maintain America as the hope of the world.
Sounds good Gov. Romney, but 20% across the board tax cuts you keep claiming won't do any of those things.

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