Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Romney Really Has Been Alone With His Lies Too Long

Governor Romney was so crude on the Libya tragedy that he didn't even bother to know the President's Rose Garden talk.
He walked into his own 47% remarks.
I hope he won't waste our time this way again next week.
I am so happy POTUS addressed Romney directly, even though he was actually not talking to the
governor. He was talking to us. I really liked that in this debate.
Romney was so odd by walking right to the President's side of the room every time he spoke. He kept
ignoring his side of the room unless a question came directly to him from there on occasion.
President Obama refrained from doing that, which made him seem determined to be more polite.
The press is not jumping up and down, screaming. So that means our President did what he decided
to do.
Candy Crowley was beyond masterful. She wasn't afraid of either of them!
I wish that Romney hadn't continually tried to filibuster all evening. Ms. Crowley saved us. I also wish that town hall group had been the least bit interesting.

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