Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Driving A Wedge

So- Roman pagans in power in Jerusalem thousands of years ago, washed their hands of the Crucifixion they had the power to stop; then used the message of the Christ to drive a wedge between Him and all His own brethren ( not only those who actually advocated for Christ's death)... forever.
Subsequently, these new Christians began to collect money worldwide for themselves for spreading the message of the brother of the Jewish people. These 'new' Christians collect still..daily...all over the world. The 'rock' on which Peter built the church remains opulent. I am Catholic; but, irony much?
We think to persecute the people who advocated for what we had the power to halt. Then we term
ourselves 'chosen'. Why does advocacy trump a willful, criminal neglect of depraved contempt, in the search for a people to prosecute, forever, leaving one of their own to blame, forever? 
Instead of turning over in his grave...Jesus left it.

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