Tuesday, October 16, 2012

I Am Getting Excited To Hear

I guess I wasn't so anxious to hear the first Presidential debate. I knew Romney would lie like a rug.
I knew if the American public was listening to Romney at all,  President Obama would be talking not only to the faithul, but also to Fox News types. I knew the left wing would do all they could to put the words they wanted to hear in the President's mouth.
This time, knowing the President, as we all should, I feel certain no one knows what he will do. That
makes me able to look forward to this debate with a bit more interest in what will be said.
President Obama did halt the financial meltdown, thereby saving so many pensions and savings.
He has done many things to halt foreclosures.
He did help the auto industry become number one in the world again, noting a new global economy
was at work.
He has expanded trade.
He has gotten us to the point where we don't have to be half dead before we consider medical care.
He made sure citizens in the Gulf Coast were not the ones who had to pay for BP's negligence.
He has brought Al Queda and Bin Laden to the light of justice.
He has handled two wars, bringing one to an end.
He has created so many of the kinds of jobs which pay a lot more than minimum wage.
He has been staring down Republican filibusters and junk legislation for years.
He stopped DADT...and helped many young Hispanic persons.
OK. It has begun!

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