Friday, November 30, 2012

Alexis Goldstein For President

Truly, no one else out there knows finance law and the tricks of the finance trade the way she does.
There is literally no one else out there who knows how Washington and international politics affects
the average life of an average working person the way she does.
Maybe Patty Murray would run on the ticket with her.
But hey, Joe Biden could run for pres with Alexis as his running mate. She is young enough for that
to help catapult her into a U.S. presidency quite soon.
I haven't heard everyone; but of those person's I have heard-  I haven't heard anyone speak publicly
more honestly than Ms. Alexis Goldstein.
America couldn't get that lucky though, could we?

Jeb Bush- The Black Community Thanks You

You helped to make certain white men would 'stand ground' to shoot down young black men in Florida no matter how egregious the claims of threat perception become.
What a guy, Mr. Governor. Another Republican governor leaves a legacy of assault behind him.
Are you going to run for President on that legacy in 2016?
When I think of the Bush family I think of dead and insulted black and brown people.
The first gulf unnecessary mess....
Throwing up on the shoes of the Japanese Premiere at a state unnecessary mess...
The second gulf war of WMDs....a truly unnecessary mess.
But the death of James Byrd Jr. was a precursor for bloodthirsty tolerance in Governor Dubya
wasn't it?
Dead American black persons, killed by crazed white persons...horribly unnecessary tragedies.
Maybe your kids will help you get the Latino vote, Mr. Jeb.
But I doubt that can be done. I truly hope you bomb. You will at least be alive though, won't you?

The Temporary Dubya Tax Cuts

What in the world is so wrong about temporary tax cuts being temporary?
Wasn't it a Republican president who instituted these temporary cuts?
Wasn't it a Republican president who quashed a democratic surplus, then ran up the country's debt?
Didn't the American public decide four times in a row they didn't want another Republican
First time, The U.S. Supreme Court cheated Al Gore and the American public.
Second time, the Ohio Secretary of State cheated John Kerry and the American public.
The third time, people elected President Obama. Surprise! Carl Rove didn't think it could happen.
This last time, every Republican governor and Secretary of State tried as eagerly as possible to cheat
the American voting public of voting rights.
The last best hope of those who wanted to cheat the vote was that this vote would close enough for
Antonin Scalia to get his hands on it again.
A republican administrationhas run up the country's debt, yet wants the vast majority of the middle
class and the poor to go a bit hungrier to pay it off for them.
Maybe you should recall, Republicans, we are not your voters, are we?

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Is A Male Potency Drug To Blame?

If these drugs are to blame for women over 65 experiencing an epidemic of venereal diseases, then perhaps
they are also corrupting the military.
Retired men, according to my friend Pam the social worker, are using these drugs to be wild and impolitic with young women who aren't very careful-  then taking the diseases home to their wives. Sick and sad...
So we know three star generals have enough experience with women of all stripes not to be going bonkers,
(especially with emails) over younger women, as retirement age creeps up on them.

President Obama/Susan Rice vs. John McCain- Lindsay Graham- and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

John McCain didn't want to be President of the U.S. if he actually had to run a serious campaign against
Barack Obama. He would have been less insulted to have had to run against Honey Boo-Boo, who we didn't even have at the time McCain was running for president. So perhaps he ran too soon.
Mitt Romney didn't want to be President unless he could win on the sort of backlash campaign Nixon and Reagan ran successfully.
Their bitterness against the President isn't as personal as their bitterness against losing the idea that women and minorities cannot be corralled around the warm excitement of white male privilege.
This privilege wants to be taken for granted as the most wise, the most intelligent, the most powerfully
admirable aggrandizement in the known universe.
What these two also-rans may have forgotten, is that Barack Obama was raised by white people. He knows what honest white people are. He knows equally well when phony ones present.
And he knows as well as anyone that it doesn't take wonder to get rich from slavery, as the thirteen colonies
did. All it takes is brute strength, firearms, and a people who have no idea where in the world they are.
Women in America have new strengths as well. American women realized decades ago they wanted for themselves all Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. wanted for his own race.These Americans  have seen the mountain top of being able to reject positions of ceding their personal lives to male citizens in their society. Senators don't have to be scheming old white guys anymore. Not everyone is going
to be happy about that. Scheming old white guys might not be so glad to embrace such a reality.
John McCain and Lindsay Graham are not particularly enraged by Susan Rice or anything she has done.
They know she went to Oxford University. They know she was a Rhodes Scholar. These two senators want to incite rage over puppet outrage by accusing her in public of not being too bright. Of course they won't find
real horrors in the President's cabinet or in his appointments. So they invent another 'Fast and Furious' type shocker because again, American deaths were involved; thereby making the grief of  the American families involved like putty in their
wrinkled, opportunistic palms.
These two believe they can frighten and intimidate the President into believing he may be the one throwing Susan Rice into a wolf den if he attempts to put forth her nomination for Secretary of State.
Why don't they want Ms. Rice as Secretary of State?
Some of it is optics. They have to deal with Eric Holder, an official they've been unable to unseat- try as they might. So why not make certain to obfuscate the president's right and privilege over a different
potential appointee?
Besides,they are hawks. Our President is not a hawk. Benjamin Netanyahu is a
raging hawk of Israel's right wing-type Likkud party in Israel. Netanyahu was a pal of  Mitt Romney. He came dangerously close to interfering with the 2012 Presidential election. Israel much preferred
a Mitt Romney presidency to a Barack Obama presidency. And Israel, Likkud, and Netanyahu do NOT want a Susan Rice as the American Secretary of State!
These two old hawk senators have nothing to lose by attempting to throw an Israeli hawk a bone, while enraging the U.S.President they did not want, and did not want to run against.
Where is Tzipi Livni when the world truly needs her?

This Is How Dumb You Can Be!

Now why would you run for President in a democratic country, when you have naught but contempt for half the population of that country?
Mitt Romney- this question is pour tu!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The Cliff

Are Congressional Republicans completely bonkers?
They keep saying: 'Broaden the base.'
That was the first part of Romney's plan- a plan our best voters rejected last week. The voters who did vote for it, are a big part of the public who have no idea what it means because they don't care
to know what it means. All they knew was that they were going to vote for the contemptuous ones.
But it does mean that if you work for minimum wage for 30 hours a week, once you pay your sitter
you are going to see you have had to pay a bigger share of your check in taxes. You don't mind because you hate our President.
Republicans  then say, 'Get rid of the loopholes.'
Again, many people who voted for Romney don't know or care what that means.
They don't see it means the house they are renting will cost a couple hundred dollars more per month
because their landlord isn't getting his mortgage tax credit next year in his income tax return.
Or if you are buying your home- no big income tax return check for you next year dearie!
And you won't be using any Earned Income Tax Credits for having to pay child care.
'Bring the rates down.'
How is that going to help anyone but the rich? The rest of us are already wiped out.
So 'broadening the base, getting rid of loopholes, and bringing rates down' are the three principal
ideas which lost in our national election. Those ideas lost because they help the rich in a much
greater proportion than they help the middle class. Not every person who has a family in a
capitalist society can vote his tribe rather than for his family.
Not every parent can work to pay every bill she has in full rather than work to feed her children.
Those are the 'special' people.
Besides, the talk about China is so worn.
China has millions of poor. They have to lend money. They need to lend money. They need the interest. They will find someone to lend it to. I doubt our interests would be served by who borrows
from China if we don't.
Our kids won't need to pay it back. They will need to be educated enough to be Able to pay it  back
should that become an issue.
It won't. We won't be backward enough to let it- especially if we make sure we have full employment. The money will be there. Earning.

Edith Childs

After five years, I finally saw Ms. Childs in an interview she did with Lawrence O'Donnell on
MSNBC during his nightly show, 'The Last Word'.
She is obviously a brave woman to refuse to be in Chicago on election night so that she could
continue to knock on doors in North Carolina.
She is a true hero because North Carolina was lost, but POTUS got so many votes there, that the
loss was close. Our President got a great many votes from North Carolina, and I hope we know now
that every vote counts! Congratulations Edith Childs. The popular vote was powerful, mainly in the
campaign lore, because of people inspired by people like you!

How Dumb Do You Think We Are?

Black people in the U.S. don't vote for someone for the single reason that he or she is black.
Even some citizens of recent African continent descent didn't vote for President Obama.
Who out there thinks black people would vote for Condoleeza Rice in great numbers?
How many black Americans would vote for Ron Christie, Robert Traynham, or even Michael Steele?
Would black citizens actually vote for Herman Cain, Clarence Thomas, or Alan West?
There are people in la-la land who seem to believe Black people will vote for any self-hating nut who
happens to be black.

Election Day In America: 2012

My daughter Michelle called me to say the campaign had called her. Since she had done a 24 hour day at work that week-end, she'd decided to take the day to answer the citizen call.
I was immensely proud. This was the last presidential campaign for President Obama. Why let time go by without becoming a part of it?
She got on a bus set aside for the volunteers. They lived in Illinois, but were needed in Wisconsin.
She called me back to say how luxurious the bus was. There were screens for people who wanted to
choose a movie.
When they got to Wisconsin, a campaign leader got aboard their bus to give them clipboards.
They were to go door-to-door two by two, checking voter logistics.
Each clipboard had a great many addresses, with detailed info on each.
Each address listed a certain number of persons as residents,  and told which residents were "friendly".
Volunteers were assigned to locate Obama voters, find out if they had gotten to the polls yet, then
let someone in the campaign know which citizens had not yet voted, and whether or not those
voters needed a ride.
In two hours, Michelle and her partner (a lady architect) got to 250 people before going back to
Back home, the last moment volunteers were shown to seats on the stage in the McCormick Center.
So our family place in a historic period in this country is sealed. Michelle sat in the first row behind
where POTUS came out to speak.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, one daughter dropped by one of the campaign sites in our state a couple of times. For myself, I was confident I'd done my part by making the 218 calls the campaign had given me to make during the summer.
However, at 6:20, I got a text from the campaign asking me if I could make a few more calls.
But Michelle was texting me at the same time asking me if Wisconsin was going to the democrats.
She couldn't charge her phone at that moment.
So I quickly got on line to get my new list. I didn't exactly get a list, though. I got a name and phone
number. Once I'd called the number, talked to the voter, reported back to the campaign on my screen
another number would pop up.
I was still trying to text election results to Michelle, so I finally said to her sister, Toni- "Actually this
campaign information is in your email so can't you make some of these calls?"
She did. She began to make calls. By around 7:15 I think, they let us off the hook. The polls were to
have closed at 8. So at last we would watch the results on TV.
Some of the polls in Detroit were still open I believe.
Detroit Public Schools calls parents for some reason every week. On November 5th, however, parents
got no calls. At 8th hour they told the students there would be no school on November 6th.
So I promptly got on the phone with the campaign worker who'd given me my original call list. Then
I phoned the Chairman of the DNC of Michigan. He thanked me, so maybe he got the Detroit polls
to stay open a little longer. I then texted five other campaign site heads I had on my call list. I felt at
this moment all our politics really was local. But at around 7:15 election night I was free to veg.
I'd begun watching a cable channel which kept saying "This race is too close to call."
I got sick of the drama, because the races were not all too close to call.
So I changed to Current TV.
Current seemed more  honest, professional, and, informative. So I stuck with them. Until POTUS
was announced the winner before eleven thirty Eastern Standard.
At that point Al Gore began to go on a bit loudly about how both campaigns had neglected to start
meaningful reflection and talk about global warming.
I turned the channel again. I heard President Obama's victory speech. But one journalist on that
channel wanted the President to thank some persons who'd worked on the campaign individually.
The guy even wanted to use this moment to talk about Hurricane Sandy. I gave up.
Later that week-end even one of the Saturday journalists called the win a close race. I don't think so.
By the end of voting, POTUS had 3.5 million votes more than his opposition.
So many people this year wanted to give the campaign the credit for this second four years. The
campaign was stellar. But why? We were stellar because we had the best, most inspiring candidate
in the the wide wide world. Thank you President Obama for running again; and thank you
for representing The United States of America.

Monday, November 12, 2012

"Job" Creators

How in the world can "job creators" get people to work for $4 an hour, 16-20 hours per day, with no
days off, living in small dorms ten to a room- with a tiny bathroom down the hall, for a minimum of  6 and 7 days at a stretch?  If those same people have a government which makes those sorts of money-making treatments of its citizens illegal, the so-called "job creators would fail at creating anything.
Governments around the world have gotten sick of tolerating these treatments of their citizens, so
American business has decided to attempt again to do these things to us at home.
Perhaps the 1% should grow up. Implying- perhaps they should learn how to treat people in the 21st century work environments available to you. Chinese desperation won't last forever; and the 19th century is gone!
The 1% have a lot of nerve having our government guarantee their loans, grant them government contracts, protect their patents, etc. then telling us not to access our own government for anything unless "creators" approve what we ask.
The things they ask and get from government, those are things we pay for as working people.
We go in and out of the work force according to our ages and training. But our tax dollars make things quite stable for the business community. We do that.

Another Famous Love Affair

Almost anything on a general's computer can be considered classified.
At some point the FBI should watch carefully, while advising judiciously, when they find out a key
general in our nation's security compound is having an affair.
If they determine nothing is compromised, they themselves compromise him by reporting someone
besides his wife knows what sort of toothpaste he uses, and how often he gets replenishes its supply.
Even the FBI has to exercise some judgement when setting up a boundary between national security
held up to scrutiny because something threatening is happening to our country, and national security held up to scrutiny because an unhappy lover has leaked maybe a less than devoted feeling of romantic slight.

Today Is Veteran's Day

We cannot say happy, so we will say "thoughtful Veteran's Day" to us all or "peaceful Veteran's Day".
The President's speech to our nation was thought inspiring yesterday.  It made me stop to think about
how a grateful nation should put a bit of Veteran's Day in all its days for a moment or two, somehow,
each day. We have so many vets now.
These wars don't start and end anymore. They ebb and flow. They ember, then inflame.
The suicide rate for vets reached a daily tally with these last wars. Someone needs to do a study on how unresponsive systems thought to be handling rape crimes are impacting our veteran suicide
A female soldier (and we have a great number of them) has surely not been trained to give up her
whole physical and mental self at someones whim, when she has already committed to do it willingly
for her country.
While irresponsible people sit self-righteously conjuring up adjectives for rape, as they sip whatever
on breaks in warm, well-lit rooms made safe for them by the blood of sacrifice, a soldier is somewhere being told she has to die many times before her life is over.
Now how is anyone supposed to live that down? Live down death and a plethora of betrayals?
Perhaps some of the  perpetrators succumb to the effects of having become so much less than they need to be as well.
We need to step up on this. Perhaps having so many women in the Senate now will engender more
help. But it should not take that. Mostly men have sent women into war.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Winds Rains Waves ... Floods and Flying Refuse

I met so many white people after Hurricane Katrina who told me they would never vote Republican
I think Chris Christie should get a break for acknowledging the leadership he'd said the President lacked just a week before the hurricane.
After Sandy hit, the Governor had a different constituency than the
average right-wing Republican to consider. He knew he'd put his foot in his mouth for Mitt Romney's sake, and he did not want that to factor in any way into the President's response to New Jersey's sudden trouble.
We don't have a President who would neglect storm victims. Those victims were the President's
responsibility as well.
But Christie may have had a somewhat knee-jerk reaction because the Republican response to Katrina was so very awful that it may be in the American consciousness forever. Besides-
Governor Christie had an awful shock last year when he called for help as Hurricane Irene blew
into New Jersey.  Eric Cantor, of  all people, seemed to believe the Irene hit Jersey so he could decide to delay help until ways to pay for the aid were solidified.
Governor Christie rightly blew a gasket, citing emergencies are not times to enact topically irrelevant ideologies. Good for him.
My heart has been hurting for our east coast since Sandy hit. Homes at the shores and along the coast
have been slipping into the sea by inches and feet, losing possibilities for insurance for years now.
Now apparently the slippage has turned into kilometers per storm.
At least two toddlers have died in this storm.
An elderly couple drowned on the first floor of their home.
What happened to those people who may have gotten a toothache or abscessed tooth the night before the storm?
What happened to the babies whose fevers may have spiked that evening?
How did diabetics get their medicine if the pharmacies were unavailable and the post offices were too
compromised to function?
How did elderly people in wheelchairs and on walkers manage?
People could not shower or drink the water, or bathe their babies or flush their commodes!
We have flip top cans now; but utensils couldn't be safely rinsed.
Many people who did survive got  injured without reasonable possibility of medical intervention.
People who may have had money had to find a way to get to it, and an intact place to spend it.
Funeral homes and cemeteries were probably terribly impacted; so the families they were serving
were further traumatized.
Elected officials can often remind us that some political realities intersect human reality, thereby illustrating the urgency of linking events to personal, individual lives.
I remain bewildered by Republican reactions to Governor Charlie Christ, former (BP) governor of Florida, (Are storms attracted to names?) when he expressed a warmth of gratitude to President Obama for his firm response insisting BP clean up their own mess. I''m also a bit amazed the Obama 2012 campaign didn't trot out our President's response to that travesty, but since it was oil, maybe "drill baby drill" people would have found too much to complain about had democrats had stood up for our President's strong response to the struggle gulf coast states all suffered from that spill.
Boston didn't mention it either; so oil was obviously off the table for campaign talk this year for good
or for ill.
Any truly responsible coastal Governor would have panicked at that oil spill. Governor Christ obviously made the mistake of showing how relieved he was to know his government's response to
his state's principle economic income source was optimal.
The other two governors in the area showed him up in a way by behaving as though their politics
outweighed the heft of the sudden suffering in the average person living and working in their states.
Governor Jindal behaved as though he was being potty trained, holding on to his opposition
to government help for as long as he possibly could. Since I understand he has environmental
degrees under his belt, he should have responded as though he understood the quicker the environment gets help in a disaster, the better. Instead, he obstructed the President as much as he could, even knowing how much Louisiana needed the assists President Obama was attempting to
put in place there.
Next the President headed for Mississippi to discuss the concerns of the people and
economies there with Governor Hailey Barbour.  Governor Barbour left the state. Nice.
I am certain Governor Christie did not want to risk thinking the President felt he'd encounter another
Jindal or Barbour response in this Sandy nightmare. In spite of the portion of the political calculus
spent not wanting to risk anyone ignoring  any of the enormity in any amount of the possible increasing tragedy in his state, Governor Christie seems to have pre-emptorily rejected delays and personality conflicts over ideology as parts of the final calculus for solving the known New Jersey cataclysm.
His was the head wearing that particular crown.; but no one can blame him for getting the POTUS response he needed, got, and as he well knew, might one day need again. Since the President did
respond well to him, the Governor now likely has an interstate-intergovernmental storm response coalition behind him whenever anything else might happen. He has done the right things.
Now why would he want to be a turn-off to white people who obviously would not admire
the neglect of any citizens in trying times?
