Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The Cliff

Are Congressional Republicans completely bonkers?
They keep saying: 'Broaden the base.'
That was the first part of Romney's plan- a plan our best voters rejected last week. The voters who did vote for it, are a big part of the public who have no idea what it means because they don't care
to know what it means. All they knew was that they were going to vote for the contemptuous ones.
But it does mean that if you work for minimum wage for 30 hours a week, once you pay your sitter
you are going to see you have had to pay a bigger share of your check in taxes. You don't mind because you hate our President.
Republicans  then say, 'Get rid of the loopholes.'
Again, many people who voted for Romney don't know or care what that means.
They don't see it means the house they are renting will cost a couple hundred dollars more per month
because their landlord isn't getting his mortgage tax credit next year in his income tax return.
Or if you are buying your home- no big income tax return check for you next year dearie!
And you won't be using any Earned Income Tax Credits for having to pay child care.
'Bring the rates down.'
How is that going to help anyone but the rich? The rest of us are already wiped out.
So 'broadening the base, getting rid of loopholes, and bringing rates down' are the three principal
ideas which lost in our national election. Those ideas lost because they help the rich in a much
greater proportion than they help the middle class. Not every person who has a family in a
capitalist society can vote his tribe rather than for his family.
Not every parent can work to pay every bill she has in full rather than work to feed her children.
Those are the 'special' people.
Besides, the talk about China is so worn.
China has millions of poor. They have to lend money. They need to lend money. They need the interest. They will find someone to lend it to. I doubt our interests would be served by who borrows
from China if we don't.
Our kids won't need to pay it back. They will need to be educated enough to be Able to pay it  back
should that become an issue.
It won't. We won't be backward enough to let it- especially if we make sure we have full employment. The money will be there. Earning.

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