Thursday, November 15, 2012

President Obama/Susan Rice vs. John McCain- Lindsay Graham- and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

John McCain didn't want to be President of the U.S. if he actually had to run a serious campaign against
Barack Obama. He would have been less insulted to have had to run against Honey Boo-Boo, who we didn't even have at the time McCain was running for president. So perhaps he ran too soon.
Mitt Romney didn't want to be President unless he could win on the sort of backlash campaign Nixon and Reagan ran successfully.
Their bitterness against the President isn't as personal as their bitterness against losing the idea that women and minorities cannot be corralled around the warm excitement of white male privilege.
This privilege wants to be taken for granted as the most wise, the most intelligent, the most powerfully
admirable aggrandizement in the known universe.
What these two also-rans may have forgotten, is that Barack Obama was raised by white people. He knows what honest white people are. He knows equally well when phony ones present.
And he knows as well as anyone that it doesn't take wonder to get rich from slavery, as the thirteen colonies
did. All it takes is brute strength, firearms, and a people who have no idea where in the world they are.
Women in America have new strengths as well. American women realized decades ago they wanted for themselves all Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. wanted for his own race.These Americans  have seen the mountain top of being able to reject positions of ceding their personal lives to male citizens in their society. Senators don't have to be scheming old white guys anymore. Not everyone is going
to be happy about that. Scheming old white guys might not be so glad to embrace such a reality.
John McCain and Lindsay Graham are not particularly enraged by Susan Rice or anything she has done.
They know she went to Oxford University. They know she was a Rhodes Scholar. These two senators want to incite rage over puppet outrage by accusing her in public of not being too bright. Of course they won't find
real horrors in the President's cabinet or in his appointments. So they invent another 'Fast and Furious' type shocker because again, American deaths were involved; thereby making the grief of  the American families involved like putty in their
wrinkled, opportunistic palms.
These two believe they can frighten and intimidate the President into believing he may be the one throwing Susan Rice into a wolf den if he attempts to put forth her nomination for Secretary of State.
Why don't they want Ms. Rice as Secretary of State?
Some of it is optics. They have to deal with Eric Holder, an official they've been unable to unseat- try as they might. So why not make certain to obfuscate the president's right and privilege over a different
potential appointee?
Besides,they are hawks. Our President is not a hawk. Benjamin Netanyahu is a
raging hawk of Israel's right wing-type Likkud party in Israel. Netanyahu was a pal of  Mitt Romney. He came dangerously close to interfering with the 2012 Presidential election. Israel much preferred
a Mitt Romney presidency to a Barack Obama presidency. And Israel, Likkud, and Netanyahu do NOT want a Susan Rice as the American Secretary of State!
These two old hawk senators have nothing to lose by attempting to throw an Israeli hawk a bone, while enraging the U.S.President they did not want, and did not want to run against.
Where is Tzipi Livni when the world truly needs her?

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