Friday, June 28, 2013

Edward Snowden

Truly, what is wrong with us? There are many countries hacking our phone numbers, and 
information even more vital than phone numbers.
If the U.S. government doesn't have our information, they could be in a minority of sophisticated
governments who do not.
The U.S. government invented the Internet.
If we closely monitor how they are using it, so will everyone else. And we are asking then, for them
to walk down the street they built for us, but to not look down. The point is, if the government does
look down, the barn door is open. Do we jail government officials who look down?
Alright. Seems tremendously unwise. We'd jail the people who know the system most intimately, when the rest of the world has access to build upon that system...access made possible by the United States of America.
Edward Snowden may have a reason to be upset. From the bulk of his recent behaviors, I cannot for the life of me guess what that could be.
If what he sees as government overreach bothers him, he should be comparatively, geometrically anxious about living in Hong Kong, China - in Russia, or in Ecuador.
If he wanted to be in Wikkileaks, why didn't he go to them initially?
If he has been thinking clearly, I can't see how.

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