Friday, June 28, 2013

Rachael Jeantel

So we had one teenager assaulted (probably in many ways) and killed by a stalker-predator.
Now we have another teen-ager attacked by some much older white guy; this time the young person
is a girl- the guy is the stalker-predator's attorney.
Perhaps the defense attorneys in this case have made a pre-emptive plan to exhibit enough silly and
crude behaviors to give the defendant an automatic set of grounds for appeal. There is
no reason to re-impeach a young person over and over and over ad nauseum, or to keep her five hours
on the stand for two days of your impeachments. Providing a vigorous defense does not include hours and hours and hours of pretending not to accuse and bully a teenaged girl.
The one person who says she felt guilt from being the last person to talk with Trayvon Martin aside
from his alleged killer, would naturally still feel trauma.
She must be wondering if she should have said something more, said something differently.  She is
young. Even an older person may have felt trauma from what she now knows she witnessed.
Presently, as she feared, social media is all over her and whatever are seen as her a much longer life to the timeline of the genesis of her understandable grief.
Someone misrepresenting something about themselves to protect herself, has nothing to do with
that same person not misrepresenting under oath, an experience she has undergone.
She has said from the start that she did not want to relive her experience.
When this prosecution witness recalls more of what happened now, under now non-violent circumstances, lawyers are calling her a liar. I find that barbarous. Some of these TV analysts are
reminiscent of a lynch mob. Harper Lee must be re-experiencing deja vu regarding her novel.
Truly, Raechel must have felt, and must still feel she would not be eloquent enough to testify in open court.
Public scrutiny has subjected her to ridicule in many ways. However, which of us was tri-lingual at the age of nineteen?

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