Friday, August 31, 2012

Janesville- Are We Missing The Point?

Can anything be done to help those who lost their GM jobs at that plant?  How is Janesville doing
today, and what do the workers have to say? Romney seemed to think American Motors plant
closings in Wisconsin were a big yuk-em-up earlier in his campaign.
I hope those people in Janesville are recovering, because all of us have the job of trying to find out
what, if anything, can be done toward rehabilitation of those communities. After all
taxpayer money did save a lot of GM plants and dealerships.  We should be told a little more about that plant than what Paul Ryan thinks we need to know to advance his spite
of what the Libertarian's claim.

We Have To Read Michael Grunwald

Republicans have done all they could do to tear down The New Deal since the moment any of it was
signed into law.
Republicans despised Bobby Kennedy for founding food stamps.
Republicans truly believe Lockheed-Martin(s)- for instance- .. should petition the government for funds to thrive and be viable. They refuse to accept that corporations are collectives.
So if any group of persons needs government funds to thrive and be viable, that group had better,
as far as Republicans are concerned be a corporation. In America, thank heavens, many groups of
real people believe as much in each other as they do in their rich "managers, and corporate directors" in the workplaces.
Michael Grunwald's book, The New New Deal gives us a peek at what our president's partnership
with people who have to get out to work each day really means.
When I say work, I mean work in a setting where someone else is in charge of your labor or quantity
of input, at an hourly, or below management, salary wage.
I do not mean you who take care of your own children with all the help you need to hire. But I am
certain I appreciate all of you in a different way.

He's A Business Guru! He's A Government Funds Raiser! He's A...

He's a governor! He's a candidate for president!
He's a priest.
He's a gambler.
Well, he is an Olympics-saving husband who doesn't support his wife's competition in her Olympic sport entry.
Well, he is a dad. And he can be immensely kind when not destroying livelihoods.
Look, he chose to make money the way he chose to make money. So why isn't that enough for him?
He didn't choose a way to make his living that sets him up as leader of a representative democracy.
I can't understand why he thinks he did.
He sure isn't superman.

Clint Eastwood Was Clint Eastwood

I think POTUS would have thought it hilarious.  I don't know what we expected from an actor except
for him to dare us to "make his day". 
He did am improv roast. He is a guy known for being 'edgy' in the least of his characterizations.
We can take it. I don't know he meant the harm of disrespect. He is no goofy TV entertainer. He's
the real deal, and he did what he does!
(Why are people obsessed with celebrity hair? He has beautiful silver hair; but it was 80 year old hair. Is that wrong? To have hair when aged? We can maybe be very, very, silly. Sillier than Mr. Eastwood...)
Were it not for the slit throat gesture, I might have thought Mr. Eastwood was a democratic plant.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

I Hope Black Citizens Will Continue To Ignore Republican Policy

Are some in the Republican party asking black people to switch parties?
Do Republicans believe black people want to be in a party which gives hand-outs?
Well, to be clear, black people don't ask for hand-outs.  We always ask for jobs.
What we get instead, are crumbs from the jobs table.
We generally have a much different definition of the word "job" than many white employers
We often have a much different idea of what we'd consider a career.
If anyone thinks women get less that equal pay for equal jobs, apply the same thinking to
inequalities in the pay black people get so often for doing the same jobs as whites.
Institutional racism lives large in this country even now.
Many jobs in our country are still with employers who find reasons not to hire a black person
unless at times a way to exploit that job applicant presents itself.
Sometimes when a man whose family is hungry applies for a job and is offered food vouchers
instead, he cannot allow himself go home empty-handed.
I see no reason whatsoever for black people to espouse Republican politics. Their policies are
regressive. If we all want to work for 3d an hour, we can all be Republican, or we take up the
policies of the blue-dog democrats.
Black Republicans have the luxury of voting at all in the first place because of the blood shed
by so many black democrats. White people died too, but they joined the fight black leaders
engendered. I think we have to give those leaders their due.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012


We ave to begin to author a lot more bills, and to advertise what we are doing.
Since we cannot vote for the nonsense Republicans author, we are in danger of ourselves becoming the obstructionists. We are supposed to obstruct utter nonsense. However, we have got to begin to do a lot more. We have to write more bills and get sponsors  for them, so that the language of what we are proposing is as prevalent as that which republicans are constantly putting forward.

Let's Review Your Heart's Desire

You are in complete control of all eggs in the country.
The eggs are in complete control of every woman's body.
Women who have enough money to book a flight and pay for a procedure at a moment's notice are
safe and sound.
Other women are at your mercy. The choices they have are 1) go to jail 2) risk life and limb or 3) all
of the above. Sounds like adult autonomy to me. Sounds like democracy to me. How about to you?
Are we all happy now?
Or should Planned Parenthood attempt to have a fund for the flights out of here that poor women could also utilize?  I think we should try that don't you? It would be worth every cent spent to get out
from under what you call democracy and freedom and privacy for a woman. And the more flights and
docs we could line up...the cheaper it would get to be. Alrighty then! We have a plan.

To Romney And The Gang: Again- DADT Women's Choices

Republicans. We are back to DADT again. When it comes to a woman's choice about what to do
about pregnancy and birth control, DADT. Any other posture you take is rude, inappropriate,
aggressive, and illegal. Women have a right, legally and morally, to the privacy of their own persons.
And frankly, I am glad about it. If you don't like it, join the 'legitimate' priesthood. Be celibate, and
preach. Preach mainly about sex and murder. But do it in church. Thank you so much.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

The Way To A Woman's Heart

You are going the wrong way, sirs. Through her lady parts is not the correct entrance to get to her
heart or soul or mind or care.
You could care less? Well you are the same bully who could care less about being insulting to
minorities then aren't you?
We don't live in the nineteenth century. When you insult and degrade people, great numbers of them
find out very quickly.
You can sneak into bodies and sensibilities and push your way through groups of citizens with unjust laws. But people will still be people; thereby resisting you with all their might, when and how you least suspect it. And then-  while you are wrestling in places you have no right to tread...they will elect themselves a president. Any questions?

Friday, August 24, 2012

Governor Mitt-Birther Romney

Why is it that no one has ever asked you for your birth certificate? Elaborate.
How do they know where you were born and raised?
Admittedly though, I most assuredly do not want to see your birth certificate. Yawn.

Allow Me To Describe Racism For You

If you are someone who discusses the race or what pertains to the race in some person who is a economic,  numerical,  or other minority where that person lives-  in either a joking or an unflattering way, you are perceived by that minority person as a raging racist...implicitly raging, or explicitly
raging...take your pick.
When you make a disparaging racially tinged comment about some person, and then immediately
pile on said person for "playing the race card" that person on the receiving end of your behavior
sees you as a raging racist.
If you are someone who loves people seen as racist by most non self-loathing minorities, there is a
very good chance you are a closet racist.
When a comment or allusion to the race of a minority becomes a big hee-haw, or a simple gaff, or a
mistaken comment in the minds and out of the mouths of nine out of every ten white journalists
speaking or writing for public benefit,  you can bet your bottom dollar, minority persons believe
racism is rampant in that mix.
When black professionals espouse majority white tenets in public, the average minority reminds
herself of Clarence Thomas. Clarence Thomas and Condolezza Rice are not one bit concerned about
the reverence other minority professionals hold for those such as Thurgood Marshall.
So in America, if you are someone who could care less when a minority person senses insult because
said person can't prove insult in your are a racist in the minds of a minority.
You have, as a matter of habit, discounted anything an offended person cannot prove to you.
Therefore, those offended have no reason to convince you of a thing. You are not motivated to take
someone at his or word when he admits offense.
In America, we do not ask people to take responsibility for racist talk or behavior unless perhaps
someone does get lynched. When George W. Bush was governor of Texas, even a lynching  didn't
prove racism for him.
In America, one of the only racist things a person can say or do to someone which will be called a
racist thing, is to call a racist a racist.
In America, racism is sometimes alluded to as some diverse irritation in the air or on certain winds,
causing trouble and making people mean or prickly. But racists, racists are not responsible for
insult or injury because racists simply do not exists in the American political, or social thought
of  the average political or professional person.
For me, racists exist in cozy cohabitation with racism. Today, Governor Romney was a man
saying a racist thing. No. I don't need to prove it to prove it to you. He proved it to me. Let him do
or undo the same for you, whatever happens to be your pleasure.

So Let Me Get This Straight

You are legislatively, politically, culturally, and holistically in control of every fertilized egg in the U.S.
You have signed the rights of fertilized eggs into law.
You have decided no cultural or lawless act can challenge these egg rights.
You have controlled the whole of the language which describes egg rights in your political party platforms.
You have written and hope to pass legislation  in state houses, which will add rights to unfertilized eggs.
This reality as I have described it seems much worse than any Orwellian horror I imagined growing up to
fear big government.
If you are someone who has endowed eggs with rights you have the power to control, and the egg in turn
has the power to control thirty to forty years of reproductive life in every person able to bear children, then where does any woman turn to express her own individual rights as a fully formed independent human being?
Does she simply wait to be past child-bearing age?
The words coming out of Paul Ryan's mouth about a woman's rights are nothing more than sound bites,
because he has not contraindicated the actual legislation he co-sponsored, things that don't match
he is saying now about assault.
The words coming out of Mitt Romney's mouth about a woman's rights are nothing more than sound bites.
because he has aligned himself with the Republican platform language which gives no quarter to women
who have been assaulted.
One of the points people have been missing in these discussions is that a criminal case, and a successful criminal prosecution cannot be of timely use to a woman or girl who finds herself in need of expressing her own reproductive freedom.
In the fifties and sixties we used to lament the fact that only poor women would suffer from a lack of these
freedoms. Rich women have always done exactly what it is they choose to do.
I do know this: an unintended consequence of all this reproductive wrangling may mean the kindergarten class of 2018 may be way too small to pay anything meaningful into either Social Security or Medicare.
So if we want to save those programs, we really may have to institute a real 'dream act' for those who may
have wanted children next year, and for citizens we may need to import from countries with even fewer
freedoms than women may have in the U.S. future.
Of course another thing we may overlook when speaking about reproductive rights, is the fact that it's
completely inappropriate for one person to question another about his or her reproductive plans or
status, even if the questioning person is some sort of legislator.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Rush Limbaugh

Mr. Limbaugh used the words "pull out" in his radio broadcast of August 22, 2012 at least three times in about 10-15 seconds-  shouting it with a blustering gusto.
That is all he really had to say about Todd Aiken's controversy.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Medicare For All Americans

News. Medicare and Obamacare are no longer completely separate. Medicare is as much a part of
The Affordable Care Act as is the bar on spending less than 80% of collected premiums on patient


What sort of policy language would be needed as a description for  'forcible rape'?
Is there consensual rape? Is that the consent of the attacked or the attacker? I don't mean to seem
dense; but if a woman gets pregnant because she consented, is that an assault?
Does a man have the upper body strength to pin a woman down and force himself on her or not?
If a woman wants to get hurt that way, why would we think she 's a good candidate for raising
a child she does not even want to carry or bear? We don't need to be so intense as to legally force the poor woman on an unsuspecting little child.
We have been missing more points in this retrograde argument as well. Men, real men, despise the
notion of sexual force. Some cannot even pretend it for the sake of a woman's fantasy life.
Republicans may lose a lot of voted if they keep talking this 'forcible' and 'legitimate' sort of thing.
Even beer guzzling, bearded, loud-mouthed men in big hats hate the idea of not treasuring women,
and of the sway they have over women without even the thought of 'force'.


Welfare is supposed to be a code word. I wonder if, thanks to Republican greed and avarice, that remains the case in 2012? The greedy are not rich enough or sure enough of their country and
their countrymen to hire or to offer fair working wages. People of all races are currently in need
of many programs geared to bridge the income and benefit gaps in families subjected to long periods
of unemployment and/or underemployment.


I hope you will craft a lasting commitment to the Gulf states. Have you heard of plankton? Do you
know how many generations of it may have been destroyed in your spill? Do you know how many
species, even whales, are dependent upon it, and how long it will be before scientists can assess the
timeline damage done to each species? It will likely take a minimum of twenty years to study effects
of life cycle damage in larger species.
And in the Gulf, species who feed at the bottom are completely dependent upon the health and
well-being of plankton and larger species.
So be certain your monetized commitment matches the time commitment scientists will need to
keep an eye on many generations of many species.

MSNBC: Their Hosts/ Their Guests

Alex Wagner: incredibly intelligent, incredibly well-informed, monumentally hip in cultural terms and music

Maggie Haberman of Politico: verbally-  unbelievably clear and succinct

Ari Melber: wishes he could be a conservative

Hugo Lindgren: way too intelligent not to remain politically and culturally independent. There
could be no way to pin Lindgren down to any point in any ideology which begins to lose
some authenticity...and most ideologies will eventually do just that.

Chuck Todd: comes up with theories like this: 'The Republican Party is dragging down a warm,
personable, honest guy like Gov. Mitt Romney

Rachel Maddow: strong opinions, often very disrespectful to President Barack Obama.

Lawrence O'Donnell: an impressively aware, secure, and engaged professional

Ed Schultz: one of the greatest advocates for progressive causes in this country as a fierce and tenacious journalistic force. Not surprisingly, his love for his wife actually trumps all. If every
businessman in this country was like Mr. Schultz, the U.S. would never have gone into a recession.

Eric Bates- executive editor at Rolling Stone: Mr. Bates has a clear concise way of explaining the most intricate of enmeshed situations in our politics.

I miss Savannah Guthrie. What a powerfully unassailable intellect she has. When she tackled a subject, I felt instantly informed;  and I understood she was among a select few who could speak clearly to a natural progression of ideas and events leading to a specific precipitous reality.

Chris Hayes- an unbelievably luminous intellect. He doesn't seem to ever need to waste a word.
Hayes is the high priest of Thomas Aquinas thought, discretion, and morality for a new century.
He is Cardinal Hayes of Progressive Intellectual thought.
Had he been pope (not that he considers himself to have a close relationship with religion)  when Galileo presented his theory of the planets relative to our sun, man may have walked on the moon within a few decades of having invented the steam engine.

Ed Schultz could be president. He is a fair-minded businessman who understands the country and
the people who make it hum. He's a consummate professional journalist, and he fights at 100% for
the principles he espouses. He shrinks from nothing. He is the sort of husband who puts his wife
first. He seems to be the dad who treats his adult children as sharing equals. Mr. Schultz is a man for
all seasons then.

No more Keith Olberman- sigh...bummer!

Joy Ann Reid...what an intellect, what a verbally, critically thinking gifted. My, my.

Reverend Al Sharpton: He will always go over the news and analysis  I need, and he can make anyone
understand his interview train of thought. I love it when he is a bit quiet when sitting near a person given
to cleft thought.

Martin Bashir: hilarious. He calls it the way he sees it. He plays rap music. He plays reggae. He plays rock.
His interview style sets up interviewees to laugh at his sharp verbal dressing downs whether they'd like to or
not. I love it.

Perry Bacon: one of the most precise talkers in news today...does he ever waste a word?!

The Cycle: Turae, Krystal Ball, Steve Kornacki, and S.E. Cupp have great interviews with guests who describe the newest most cutting edge concepts. But all aside from S.E. are so cautious about their personal lives they fail to show pride in them. Krystal is better as time goes by. They are all so young. They will evolve.

Tameron Hall is another news person who tells me the things I really want to know. I want to hear the interviews she does with people who have interesting opinons, sometimes opinions she openly challenges
at times, but always with a clear concise point of view.

Craig Melvin, Chris Jansing, Alex Witt, are all very professional in the voluminous amount of material they report.

Thomas Roberts has thoughtful, measured ways of treating thoughtful topics. Also, he's adorable. Just adorable. So some gay men are handsome, intelligent, educated, and adorable. Oh- we knew that. We
also have Steve Kornacki...

Democratic Campaign 2012

Business decisions have consequences. The bottom line for Bain profits seemed always to be given
keen attention for each minute detail. The same minute detail appeared absent when it came to how
a wipeout of benefits, severances, and community would harm citizens whose livelihoods depended
on work. Is that wrong? Well, it's real. And it did put real flesh and blood people in life and death
situations in which death won. So if it is no one's fault some people died, it is also true it could
have been someones fault that no chronic interruptions of some minimal benefits would occur.

President Barack Hussein Obama

President Obama is the man. Period. We were so lucky we found him. If God loves the U.S.A.
we will have him four more years.  He won't be so lucky to get all this laid on him...but he loves
this country, and he loves these people. So we will be very, very lucky.
We are now the fifth wealthiest country in this world. And all we have to get back up the ladder is
each other. We don't have, and we never will have billions of citizens to draw skills from for national

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

No Human Being

No human person knows where he or she was born. Human beings have to believe what conscious
adults and the authorities present at their entry will later tell them.
If a person chooses not to believe, that person has made a choice. The choice in that case, has no more validity than that of one who chooses to believe authorities documenting a birth in question.

All Elected Officials Are Board Certified...Or Is It That They Are Certifiable?!

What sort of looney-kooky doesn't accept the definition of R-A-P-E in the 21st century?
I looked it up in the Taber's Medical Dictionary. Key words in the definition are: 'without consent'.
Now, do we have to go even farther back to define 'consent' for some of our unredeemed in Congress?
Here is a simple way to know you have it. If a person is not a legal adult of sound mind and body who is begging you to 'use both hands' in a sexual or otherwise physical situation, you don't have consent. If you have been in situations where you have gone ahead with your libidinal activities without having heard those exact far as I am concerned, you are lucky to be out of jail.
Nowhere in the definitions of  R-A-P-E  in accepted bona fide traditional books or journals was the word "juices". I am beginning to see why Leader John Boehner calls these wingers "knuckle draggers".
Do these new brutish confused know the definition of F-O-R-C-E? I have to assume they can all spell.
Who should be obligated to prove to James Leon Holmes that she was raped if she doesn't want to do
that?  She won't keep a baby she doesn't want to bear. Will putting her in jail help the situation?
What is Clayton Williams thinking when he believes a person can "just enjoy it" when the inevitability of it sets in? Is that what he does when assaulted? Does he simply speak from his own
enjoyable experiences with being raped, or is he writing a brute force misogynistic novel maybe?
Does Congressman Henry Aldridge have some rape training or experience?
Does getting elected to Congress make someone a board certified obstetrician or gynecologist?
Does getting elected to Congress make someone a board certified psychiatrist, expert in recognizing the human ability for "joy" and "enjoying"?
No. No it does not, not in either case.
Wingers seem to want to bend everything, even the climate and all the lives of all the people in it to
their irascible wills.
They have coined, as an ideological fringe, a definition of life which excludes the definition of fully
functioning humanity.
The egg is supreme. The other human involved is superficial to the the potential of the egg.
Perhaps it is a sadness that this is NOT true. I don't know. But why is it that I can see it is not true, but fringees can't see that.
I respect that those who don't believe in abortion won't get an abortion,even when I am certain they
But people, that respect has to work both ways. I would not allow anyone to force me to remain
pregnant if there any way out of it at all. I did not allow that. I am glad I didn't run into the brick
walls of the fifties, or of this new, awful, regressive modernity.
Wingers preach independence they won't allow people to practice.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Senator Akin

Does Senator Akin hate Mitt Romney? I think he might.
He may have been misunderstood though.  I know a lot of men believe rape doesn't exactly exist.
These men believe most rape is forceful seduction. They believe female reproductive muscles close off any possible entry into a female body.  I don't understand why these men cannot understand the physics of  human musculature. He doesn't refer to fertilization in his comments. He refers to insertion assault.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Can Republicans Be Trusted With Medicare?

No. No they cannot.
Don't listen to them. OK?

RonPaulAynRandRand PaulPaulRyan

I know. It's silly. Don't look at it too long though. That could make your head spin around in a 360degree circle, over and over again. And then you could begin to speak in unintelligible
non-human languages. Your family and/or friends might find you unrecognizable.

Are Black Americans Mad At V.P. Joe Biden?

No. No we are not.