Tuesday, August 21, 2012

All Elected Officials Are Board Certified...Or Is It That They Are Certifiable?!

What sort of looney-kooky doesn't accept the definition of R-A-P-E in the 21st century?
I looked it up in the Taber's Medical Dictionary. Key words in the definition are: 'without consent'.
Now, do we have to go even farther back to define 'consent' for some of our unredeemed in Congress?
Here is a simple way to know you have it. If a person is not a legal adult of sound mind and body who is begging you to 'use both hands' in a sexual or otherwise physical situation, you don't have consent. If you have been in situations where you have gone ahead with your libidinal activities without having heard those exact words...as far as I am concerned, you are lucky to be out of jail.
Nowhere in the definitions of  R-A-P-E  in accepted bona fide traditional books or journals was the word "juices". I am beginning to see why Leader John Boehner calls these wingers "knuckle draggers".
Do these new brutish confused know the definition of F-O-R-C-E? I have to assume they can all spell.
Who should be obligated to prove to James Leon Holmes that she was raped if she doesn't want to do
that?  She won't keep a baby she doesn't want to bear. Will putting her in jail help the situation?
What is Clayton Williams thinking when he believes a person can "just enjoy it" when the inevitability of it sets in? Is that what he does when assaulted? Does he simply speak from his own
enjoyable experiences with being raped, or is he writing a brute force misogynistic novel maybe?
Does Congressman Henry Aldridge have some rape training or experience?
Does getting elected to Congress make someone a board certified obstetrician or gynecologist?
Does getting elected to Congress make someone a board certified psychiatrist, expert in recognizing the human ability for "joy" and "enjoying"?
No. No it does not, not in either case.
Wingers seem to want to bend everything, even the climate and all the lives of all the people in it to
their irascible wills.
They have coined, as an ideological fringe, a definition of life which excludes the definition of fully
functioning humanity.
The egg is supreme. The other human involved is superficial to the the potential of the egg.
Perhaps it is a sadness that this is NOT true. I don't know. But why is it that I can see it is not true, but fringees can't see that.
I respect that those who don't believe in abortion won't get an abortion,even when I am certain they
But people, that respect has to work both ways. I would not allow anyone to force me to remain
pregnant if there any way out of it at all. I did not allow that. I am glad I didn't run into the brick
walls of the fifties, or of this new, awful, regressive modernity.
Wingers preach independence they won't allow people to practice.

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