Friday, August 31, 2012

We Have To Read Michael Grunwald

Republicans have done all they could do to tear down The New Deal since the moment any of it was
signed into law.
Republicans despised Bobby Kennedy for founding food stamps.
Republicans truly believe Lockheed-Martin(s)- for instance- .. should petition the government for funds to thrive and be viable. They refuse to accept that corporations are collectives.
So if any group of persons needs government funds to thrive and be viable, that group had better,
as far as Republicans are concerned be a corporation. In America, thank heavens, many groups of
real people believe as much in each other as they do in their rich "managers, and corporate directors" in the workplaces.
Michael Grunwald's book, The New New Deal gives us a peek at what our president's partnership
with people who have to get out to work each day really means.
When I say work, I mean work in a setting where someone else is in charge of your labor or quantity
of input, at an hourly, or below management, salary wage.
I do not mean you who take care of your own children with all the help you need to hire. But I am
certain I appreciate all of you in a different way.

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