Friday, August 24, 2012

Allow Me To Describe Racism For You

If you are someone who discusses the race or what pertains to the race in some person who is a economic,  numerical,  or other minority where that person lives-  in either a joking or an unflattering way, you are perceived by that minority person as a raging racist...implicitly raging, or explicitly
raging...take your pick.
When you make a disparaging racially tinged comment about some person, and then immediately
pile on said person for "playing the race card" that person on the receiving end of your behavior
sees you as a raging racist.
If you are someone who loves people seen as racist by most non self-loathing minorities, there is a
very good chance you are a closet racist.
When a comment or allusion to the race of a minority becomes a big hee-haw, or a simple gaff, or a
mistaken comment in the minds and out of the mouths of nine out of every ten white journalists
speaking or writing for public benefit,  you can bet your bottom dollar, minority persons believe
racism is rampant in that mix.
When black professionals espouse majority white tenets in public, the average minority reminds
herself of Clarence Thomas. Clarence Thomas and Condolezza Rice are not one bit concerned about
the reverence other minority professionals hold for those such as Thurgood Marshall.
So in America, if you are someone who could care less when a minority person senses insult because
said person can't prove insult in your are a racist in the minds of a minority.
You have, as a matter of habit, discounted anything an offended person cannot prove to you.
Therefore, those offended have no reason to convince you of a thing. You are not motivated to take
someone at his or word when he admits offense.
In America, we do not ask people to take responsibility for racist talk or behavior unless perhaps
someone does get lynched. When George W. Bush was governor of Texas, even a lynching  didn't
prove racism for him.
In America, one of the only racist things a person can say or do to someone which will be called a
racist thing, is to call a racist a racist.
In America, racism is sometimes alluded to as some diverse irritation in the air or on certain winds,
causing trouble and making people mean or prickly. But racists, racists are not responsible for
insult or injury because racists simply do not exists in the American political, or social thought
of  the average political or professional person.
For me, racists exist in cozy cohabitation with racism. Today, Governor Romney was a man
saying a racist thing. No. I don't need to prove it to prove it to you. He proved it to me. Let him do
or undo the same for you, whatever happens to be your pleasure.

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