Monday, September 30, 2013

Why Feel Sorry For Boehner?

Isn't he the same loser who invited sharecroppers, dressed as though they were just about to begin
their sharecropping day to the President's State of the Union Address?
Doesn't he think disrespect has just as much bona fide as disagreement, even toward the highest office in our land?
He is a flake.
He is getting what he deserves, and probably is "slow" enough to be enjoying it.


We already know Lucy has the football. Why is the news media droning on about this? 
There is no fight in Congress, just a terrorism threat.
I'll blow everything up if you don't do this.
And I'll blow everything up if you don't do that.
I'll huff and I'll puff until I blow your whole house down.
We know all that already.
We know fairy tales and folklore, and you wild crazy wolves are folklory.
I don't believe for one moment these are moral people with good philosophy.
These are people who want unearned privilege.
These are the people who believe we should foster groups who can engender weakness in other
groups, pretend the weakness was inherently there anyway, then pounce on those who struggle
with gaining their strength while the weaknesses dumped on them are still fully exploitable.
Teas believe those philosophies to be acceptable ways of living whether the remainder of us
consider it moral or not moral. They think of those behaviors and philosophies not as immoral,
but as amoral. And that is the was Teas live.
So many people in America were encouraged to behave that way for so long, that morality hadn't
entered into it one way or the other.
The inheritors of those behaviors, the admirers, and the imitators as well, expect that now it's their
"turn" to run down as many strugglers as they would like the law to allow.
No, it isn't, though. They don't get a turn at so much unearned income as they have witnessed a bunch
of the privileged gorge upon for so long.
Those behaviors have always been too destructive to too many persons. As soon as we can rid ourselves of them, for as long as we can exterminate them from American life- we will.
We are 'the people'.

If POTUS Were White

President Barack Obama would incite a riot in the Teas even if he were not Black.  He has made Democrats so powerful in so  many areas of American life, that Republicans would have to have
changed their rhetoric, or attacked that of Democratic leadership.
While they did all they could do with all the crazy stuff, like his falsifying his birth records, and the
story of his infancy. They criticised his childhood, his mom, his wife, his vacations, his religious faith, his pastor, his cabinet picks, his patriotism, and more, mercilessly.
They spent so much time on those things, he had a chance to work his magic on his agenda, while
leading his party to be able to do the same. Who would ever have believed Senator Patty Murray could deliver the way she did in 2012?!  And between 2008 and 2012, POTUS got magic to work
in the Energy Department, in Health And Human Services, in the Labor Department, in the Department of Education, in the Housing Department, magic which will outlast his two terms, which
will mean we probably won't see a great deal more homeless persons even if times get bad again.
We will be able to afford at least two years of a precision-oriented college education for our children
and grandchildren even if some four year institutions remain out of reach, and quite frankly stop
reaching our desired outcomes.
We will stop some of the pollution we've done with our cars and trucks by having better fuels.
Our children will have better health care for all periods in their lives.
We don't have to worry so much about companies doubling down to push more "unpaid internships".
Who knows what POTUS is actually doing now, while the Republicans are immolating themselves
in the Congress?  Shouldn't they have learned by now it's probably something momentous?  Something they will hate? Or something they will hate he was the one who accomplished the thing, whatever it might be?
POTUS doesn't think the way we normally would expect someone to think. Instead of plotting a way
to get from A to B, he starts at B in his mind. He discerns the many many internecine ways he could
possibly plot a path back to A. Then he does the Robert Frost. He picks 'the road less travelled', or paves one which has not previously existed.
Though he hasn't won all fights, and it's not over until it's over, there isn't a way to trip him up on his
weaknesses while he is behind your back making his strengths into even stronger powers.
President Obama has the moral courage to embrace humility when it presents itself to him. That is how he won the trust of the majority of the American people. They simply believed he had no gimmicks in mind when he planned his plans. They believe that still. How can Republicans trump
that? Unless they can face up to when they are wrong, when they have lost, they will continue to lose.
Just the way we do continually in everyday life when we are faced with their awful policies.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Who Do You Think You're Kidding?

Defund Obamacare? Let me get this straight. Congress defunds
Obamacare, replacing it with nothing-  POTUS signs it, then you Republicans will fund the
Do you think the rest of us are what, stark-nake fools?
Did we just fall off the turnip truck...not that a turnip farmer would believe this nonsense either.
Be real. We are not going to "defund" or overturn Obamacare. Yet if we were going to do that, it
would be for nothing. You are liars; and most of your candidates are liars.  You would
do nothing you claimed you were going to do in return. Any questions?

I'll Bite

What is Putin talking about?
He was always famously an atheist. What does he mean God created us as equals?
How is it dangerous for Americans to think of themselves as exceptional?
Vladimir Putin is as big a phony as there anyone can be. As a matter of fact, he is exceptionally

Rand and Vladmir- BFFs

Premier Putin has heard about American exceptionalism; but he believes it is a myth. Yet Rand Paul
has decided POTUS is the American enemy.
What a nut he remains. Still talking to Aqua Buddah I guess, whoever that is.
No one can believe a word Putin says.
No one can believe a word Assad says.
How is letting Assad give Iran a foothold in the Mediterranean mean the U.S. is defending itself?
Letting that happen means we have no interest whatsoever in defending our own interests.
POTUS has American interests at heart. Beleeb dat! I mean, believe that!
Self defense is the law.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Are We Making Sense?

Unilaterally, or multilaterally, we have no choice but to secure chemical, biological, and nuclear
weapons. We may not agree with our President, but we better get used to him.
Syria won't show restraint even though they have the choice to do so.
Russia has to be kept motivated.
We don't need to wait until a proliferation of poison gases reaches some enterprise we need.
We don't need to wait until some koo-koo decides to unleash a biologic epidemic we cannot contain.
We have no reason to wait until a scorch-the earth nuclear weapon reaches some country we call an ally.
We need wait only until POTUS says 'go'.
POTUS does know how long to wait and what we should wait to see.
That is why we elected him. We, in general, elecct a President who will know these things.

B-29...You Want Your Life Back?

You do? The life that gave you the willingness to go along with murder?  You need your life to
evolve into a thing which presses you NEVER to support a law which supports murder. You need to
know B-29 will never again be a coerced person in the support of a murderer.
You have the life you have now.
But you were not shot through the heart at age seventeen.
Suck it up.
Sabrina does.
Tracy does.
The law cannot dictate to you without a trial.
The evidence can try the case.
Common sense interprets law.
The law cannot interpret itself. If it took only lawyers to interpret the law, what is the jury doing there
in the first place?
Any fool can say the dead are guilty.
Any fool Will say the dead he killed had to die!
Why would any of us think there was evidence of that? We know we interpret murder for those who
are killed. No law can tell us what verdict to find. Lawyers and judges can assist appeals if they believe a jury is in error.
You getting the same life you had before you voted for murder would mean Trayvon didn't deserve
justice at all. No one involved in acquitting that creature deserves to be the same unless that person is to get away with being evil.  Be thankful you aren't among those happy to belong to evil.
I am thankful we have instant communication, so Sabrina and Tracy know some segments of this society won't getting away with what happened to their child.
There were plenty of lawyers in that courtroom. You ladies could believe them, or not believe them.
You had a very clear choice about what to believe. If someone else can tell you how to vote, then you are not a citizen. Some of those lawyers outlined the murderers lies.
One of them said as clear as day, ' that child would have to have had a million hands to slam a mans head into the sidewalk, while putting his hand over the man's mouth, and still reach for the man's gun'. Did you hear him?
Even the law cannot dictate the possibility of that as a scenario which happens in a few seconds time.
Those of you who accepted that scenario were thinking of what you wanted to do. You were not
thinking of your duty.
Anyone who cannot discern a child's screams without a scientist telling them what to hear doesn't feel the need to bother.
Take comfort in knowing whatever pain you will suffer does indeed pale in the face of losing a child
shot through the heart by a freak for no reason whatsoever, save personal lust.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Trayvon's Murderer

A great many immoral actions and decisions in Trayvon's murder have rendered Florida what I guess
they wanted in declaring innocence where there wasn't any.
Since then, we see they did a disservice to everyone, including his family, and including themselves.
If people were saved in a car incident I wish it could have been by someone decent. However, we can't know what happened there because a culture of lies flies into Florida the way hurricanes do.
This time, maybe black youngsters will see this killer coming.
Bob Dillon famously sung about killers returning from war, 'who's gonna take away his gun?'
This killer is simply returning from killing. How is he supposed to even get help now.
I hope he will be the problem from now of the sort of people so pleasant about letting him roam free.

Neither Chemical Or Biologic Weapons Will Be Contained By Madness

These weapons may have unintended consequences for us all. These weapons should be destroyed
carefully. We cannot afford anymore epidemics.
How do we know the death of too many bacteria, and the extinction of too many bacterial species is
not the thing which gave the AIDS virus a leg up on virulence.
And why should Iran have a chance to gain so much more power in the Mideast through  willing Syrian coalition regimes?
Already Iran seeks constant favor with Pakistan.
And gas is going up now. If that continues for much longer, start growing food in your gardens.
Trucks will not be delivering it to grocers who can't afford what it costs to get it to them.
And why should we begin to suffer all that anew so Syria can kill children with impunity?
We are just now getting back on our feet here.
Do you recall Lord Of The Rings?
Then  'let's get a fire going!'

Who Got Justice In the Castro Death?

Every man, woman, and child related to the jailers- and even the jailers themselves have gotten a
life-changing, life affirming breath of air from the relief of not having to minister to the evil strutting
around in the person of the kidnapper torturer, A. Castro.
How could anyone human feel at all humanized knowing  the job he or she had to do to keep
that creature safe and alive?
How could those men and women go home to loved ones feeling clean?
Of course prison personnel have to be as professional as possible; knowing every prisoner has to be fed, clothed, treated without extreme cruelty. However, to meet responsibilities in this case would have been itself a torturous burden for these prison caretakers.
I hope the three women he aggressed for so many years will realize the sacrifices they've made to
push his evil away from them have not been made in vain.
They are even now saving many families for a happier, healthier life by accepting this awful creature's early death.

The White House Is Certain

Since we have chosen to thwart our leaders' best judgements on limited strikes in Syria, Bashar al-Assad has had a chance to open his mouth as though we could believe a word he says.
Perhaps when we are paying $12 for a handful of carrots, and our farms are shrinking, our hospitality
industries floundering, we will be more certain about children dying in Syria from governmental gas
as a horror related to U.S. interests.
We will be as certain as we were last century that Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain proved a bit
late to the powers response table.
We trusted a guy who was not actually elected years ago. Now we have a trustworthy leader, but
we are allowing ourselves to be gun shy.
We are a nation who either has to learn to trust the honest leaders we have now or go along with leaders of brutal regimes whose policies will wither us from afar.