Monday, September 30, 2013


We already know Lucy has the football. Why is the news media droning on about this? 
There is no fight in Congress, just a terrorism threat.
I'll blow everything up if you don't do this.
And I'll blow everything up if you don't do that.
I'll huff and I'll puff until I blow your whole house down.
We know all that already.
We know fairy tales and folklore, and you wild crazy wolves are folklory.
I don't believe for one moment these are moral people with good philosophy.
These are people who want unearned privilege.
These are the people who believe we should foster groups who can engender weakness in other
groups, pretend the weakness was inherently there anyway, then pounce on those who struggle
with gaining their strength while the weaknesses dumped on them are still fully exploitable.
Teas believe those philosophies to be acceptable ways of living whether the remainder of us
consider it moral or not moral. They think of those behaviors and philosophies not as immoral,
but as amoral. And that is the was Teas live.
So many people in America were encouraged to behave that way for so long, that morality hadn't
entered into it one way or the other.
The inheritors of those behaviors, the admirers, and the imitators as well, expect that now it's their
"turn" to run down as many strugglers as they would like the law to allow.
No, it isn't, though. They don't get a turn at so much unearned income as they have witnessed a bunch
of the privileged gorge upon for so long.
Those behaviors have always been too destructive to too many persons. As soon as we can rid ourselves of them, for as long as we can exterminate them from American life- we will.
We are 'the people'.

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