Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Are We Making Sense?

Unilaterally, or multilaterally, we have no choice but to secure chemical, biological, and nuclear
weapons. We may not agree with our President, but we better get used to him.
Syria won't show restraint even though they have the choice to do so.
Russia has to be kept motivated.
We don't need to wait until a proliferation of poison gases reaches some enterprise we need.
We don't need to wait until some koo-koo decides to unleash a biologic epidemic we cannot contain.
We have no reason to wait until a scorch-the earth nuclear weapon reaches some country we call an ally.
We need wait only until POTUS says 'go'.
POTUS does know how long to wait and what we should wait to see.
That is why we elected him. We, in general, elecct a President who will know these things.

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