Monday, September 30, 2013

If POTUS Were White

President Barack Obama would incite a riot in the Teas even if he were not Black.  He has made Democrats so powerful in so  many areas of American life, that Republicans would have to have
changed their rhetoric, or attacked that of Democratic leadership.
While they did all they could do with all the crazy stuff, like his falsifying his birth records, and the
story of his infancy. They criticised his childhood, his mom, his wife, his vacations, his religious faith, his pastor, his cabinet picks, his patriotism, and more, mercilessly.
They spent so much time on those things, he had a chance to work his magic on his agenda, while
leading his party to be able to do the same. Who would ever have believed Senator Patty Murray could deliver the way she did in 2012?!  And between 2008 and 2012, POTUS got magic to work
in the Energy Department, in Health And Human Services, in the Labor Department, in the Department of Education, in the Housing Department, magic which will outlast his two terms, which
will mean we probably won't see a great deal more homeless persons even if times get bad again.
We will be able to afford at least two years of a precision-oriented college education for our children
and grandchildren even if some four year institutions remain out of reach, and quite frankly stop
reaching our desired outcomes.
We will stop some of the pollution we've done with our cars and trucks by having better fuels.
Our children will have better health care for all periods in their lives.
We don't have to worry so much about companies doubling down to push more "unpaid internships".
Who knows what POTUS is actually doing now, while the Republicans are immolating themselves
in the Congress?  Shouldn't they have learned by now it's probably something momentous?  Something they will hate? Or something they will hate he was the one who accomplished the thing, whatever it might be?
POTUS doesn't think the way we normally would expect someone to think. Instead of plotting a way
to get from A to B, he starts at B in his mind. He discerns the many many internecine ways he could
possibly plot a path back to A. Then he does the Robert Frost. He picks 'the road less travelled', or paves one which has not previously existed.
Though he hasn't won all fights, and it's not over until it's over, there isn't a way to trip him up on his
weaknesses while he is behind your back making his strengths into even stronger powers.
President Obama has the moral courage to embrace humility when it presents itself to him. That is how he won the trust of the majority of the American people. They simply believed he had no gimmicks in mind when he planned his plans. They believe that still. How can Republicans trump
that? Unless they can face up to when they are wrong, when they have lost, they will continue to lose.
Just the way we do continually in everyday life when we are faced with their awful policies.

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