Sunday, October 27, 2013

Cruz Is No More Running For National Office Than Is A Pig In A Poke

Republicans don't try to stop Ted Cruz. Why would they? They enjoy his shenanigans. They know
America won't vote for crazy cage fighting. Cruz is out there simply to draw out the ire of the left.
Cruz is taking one for the team.
Whereas Americans will vote for a Barack Obama who seems to want to unite America, only fringees
will vote for a Canadian-born, naturalized American to push for an unnaturally devised plot to shut down the entire American government and work hard as well to promote America as a deadbeat nation.
What can the Teas get away with? What does the Republican party have to live down in the ideologies of its base?
How much will Republicans get the Democrats to "compromise" away before the national elections
have to defend only crumbs left in the economy for the American middle class?
Ted and Mike and Rand will find out.
For the life of me, I cannot see how the vile policies these people espouse can be called principles.
I suppose if we re-read Machiavelli we could use that name as an adjective for these Republican
hopes and dreams.

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