Friday, May 23, 2014

General Eric Shinseki

I don't understand why people in the Obama administration have to fall like chess pieces.
There was no reason to attack Shirley Sherrod.
Kathleen Sebelius couldn't control the SCOTUS decision to give states the right to opt out of Medicaid expansion, or the Republican decision to panic all those looking for medical insurance by
shutting down the government right when people wanted to begin searches. The natural expectation of roll out was that people wait until near the end of an enrollment period to get on board.
Now that this administration has worked so hard to boost the burdened Veteran's Administration Hospitals, when problems surface, right away someone shouts "off with his head".
That is ridiculous.
General Shinseki relies on reporting mechanisms like every other administrator.
Now that more rape victims have come forward, those victims may be clogging the system unexpectedly with myriad other problems they are now willing to discuss.
Unexpected consequences crop up to cause delays in any medical operation. Again, hundreds of
thousands of veterans would have qualified for Medicaid any under the new health care law.
Did the SCOTUS kill them?
More than likely it's just that they could care less about them.
To them, medical care is an ideological exercise in states' rights propaganda. Many persons, perhaps loved ones of many veterans may have died, and are dying, hoping to have qualified for the Medicaid expansion in the new health care law.
Some VA officials have undoubtedly been cracking under the strain of so many years of returning war vets needing service.
Maybe we'd do best to wait and see who they might be, and what they may have done.
Problems don't get the funds they need very soon after they present.
Vets, even at the top, confronted with consecutive years of strain, cracking under it? Possibly, yes.
And I don't believe we will find everything we need to know in the twenty-four hour news cycle.

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