Thursday, May 1, 2014

Only Your Vote Will Save Your Job

Your job doesn't have to be tied to the same greedy corporations. The 1% don't have to be set in stone.
They are as interchangeable as employees are.
A lot of people are qualified to run and own the retail giants.
Someone will get the crops to market even if General Mills decides not to do it.
People will find some way to live in houses even if Ken Langone is too busy cheating his wife and family out of a place to live to run Home Depot.
Some teachers will discover a way to get paid good money for looking after and instructing children
all day, even if states are abandoning the public good. As a matter of fact, that is happening now! Teachers are NOT all flocking to charters like little blank unionless sheep.
Doctors and nurses get regular checks because they work with the ACA.
Clothes will be made even if the glamor of sweat shops dissipates in the fashion conscience.

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