Wednesday, April 30, 2014

NCAA- Stop It! Grow Up To Pay Student Athlete Employees

You do sound like the antebellum south.
Donald (Topowitz) Sterling practically took words out of your sorry mouths.
He actually said he buys players' food, cars, houses, etc.
Listen to Mrs. Anne Romney. Stop it! Playing is hard.
What you do is wage theft. So if you have to alter your glorious calculus in college sports'
departments- so what? Ask the government for subsidies. That's what the U.S. south did.
Pay those students a yearly salary for the billions you are making from their efforts- then charge
them tuition as a condition for team play. I'll bet you a dime to a dollar they will allow it to
be deducted from their salaries before classes even start.
What is this exploitative nonsense about what you give them? Those students are the givers.
You are the takers, the collectors.
Get the pacifiers out of your whiny graspy mouths.
Pay what you owe your student athlete employees, the student athlete earners.
Universities employ many of their students, without withholding paychecks.
Some, however, have to have their athleticism held against them if they'd like to be admitted
to classes.
That system is rotten; and it always has been.

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