Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Donald (Topowitz) Sterling Got Caught

Truly, so very many Americans are so much worse than Donald Sterling. (Is he one of those self-hating Jewish citizens who changed his name to sound more Patrician?) He only said what so many
Congressmen have intimated about our president. Why would he think he should use more moderate language and thought when speaking about our basketball players.? He said less harmful things than Paul Ryan. He even said less harmful things than actual presidential candidates have said. He said things less odious than what Allen West has said. He hasn't sounded as awfully as the "great" Dr. Ben Carson has.
Mr. Sterling has been encouraged by the U.S. Congress to utter absolute filth. He shines even more light now on how absolutely beautiful so many of the 450 millionaire NBA players truly are.
Would that we could get rid of the most vile in the U.S. Congress when they open their terrible mouths.

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