Monday, April 28, 2014

Cloven Biddy...No?...Oh- Cliven Bundy- Yawn

Dr. Michael Eric Dyson was right again. We can't see daylight between Paul Ryan's views and the views of the Cloven one.
The owner of the L.A. Clippers- another craven billionaire. Remember the nut, Carl Palladino?
Foster Freize, Governor Sununu? Duck Dynasty? And even the NBC host "Chuck" Todd who said
of one of the President's trips abroad that the president had in so many words been, "neutered"?
The journalist to whom he was speaking actually had to correct him on the spot.
What sort of "tune" actually advertises that he and his followers will put their women and children
on the firing lines in skirmishes with the government? And what kind of people pass by government
housing knowing the occupants have nothing to do? These guys are right out of a William Faulkner
novel, and I think Faulkner was attempting to say even then these ideas were relics.
These Paula Deen people are seemingly a dime a dozen these days. I am pleased to see progressives
getting eqaul time.
The owner of the Clippers doesn't have the concept of people who work for pay, or he hasn't
grasped the concept any more than P. Ryan has, that black people work for pay. Or maybe he
is more like Rick Santorum who doesn't know that blaah people work for pay, and pay taxes
every step of the way- always have. Black men may be the only group in the country who never
got tax looholes and had trouble for years even leaving large estates to anyone but the IRS.
What happened to Sammy Davis Jr.s money when he passed away?  Who got Fred Sandford's money?  I guess the recording companies got all of Ray Charles' money unless his children have
prevailed quite recently.
I remember feeling overjoyed years ago when Nat King Cole's family was able to
secure his estate.
Owning a basketball team doesn't mean you own the people. I suppose that's as close as these
goofs can get though.  So many of them consistently overstep.Does the man actually believe he buys food and clothing and houses and cars for the members of his team? He has to delude himself to that extent?
Those men have tremendously individualized and complicated diets. The team owner is not qualified
to buy their food. Their labor buys their food when they spend their own money for it.
Only they can buy the cars they want to the specifications they need and want.
They buy homes from real estate agents they themselves choose in a free market.
Paul Ryan doesn't know any black men- but a lot of black men sure know him. He surely knows nothing at all about "generations" of black men. He claims he could have some other men in mind
when he speaks about the culture of the inner city. But who is he trying to kid? He may as well go
on out there on the ranch and join the foil-mouthed crowd on the Nevada border.  Maybe he'll find
some generations of balck men out there who "work".  Maybe all these guys are getting part of this
notion from people like the awful black Reverend who ran for Lieutenant Governor of Virginia with
the awful Ken Cuccinelli.
Listen guys, those aren't your average black men. Noone has gotten those men to work for 5, 6, 7d
per hour. Those men believe slavery was acceptable for their families, and that if one day an intelligent slave had been born, whites would have elevated him to their own stature. Those men comprise from 3-10% of black voters. As John Fugelsang so wryly intimated..' surely there are some
self-loathing black folks out there'. There are plenty of them. However, they will never represent
the majority of us.  They will never want representation from a President Barack Obama. They are a
definite minority within a minority. Go find them. Converse with them. They are the types who can
make you feel good about havng black people around. Bet.

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