Sunday, April 6, 2014

To Clarify: I Don't Believe Hillary To Be Flippant

Mrs. Clinton had clearly decided Vladmir Putin felt it perfectly reasonable to muscle in on the
Ukraine as Russia muscled in on so many countries to form The Soviet Union and as Germans did
before WWII broke out because both these groups used the protection of their ethnic or national
brethren in foreign countries as excuses to transgress treaty-drawn boundaries.
Here is the standard: You say the country your brethren inhabit is a foreign country, a country not
your own.
Believe it or not, neither George Bush or George W. Bush are the standard. They are principle
reasons we elected Barack Obama.
Is Spain or Mexico going to send troops to the U.S. because they don't admire the way we are
treating so many Spanish-speaking U.S. citizens and non-citizens here?
I think not.
Of course, part of that equation would have to be they don't have the kind of power to challenge us even if they wanted to invade. But I doubt they'd want that.  You doubt it too?
Which brings me to two more points.
First, what is Russia going to do with Crimea she wasn't doing already anyway? I can't see anything
in the recent past to suggest Ukraine or the west was about to restrict Russia in any way in Crimea.
No one seems to have intended to interfere with Russia or Russian Crimean activities in any
meaningful way. I can only surmise that after destroying so much capital related to the Olympics because he cares so much who is gay and who hides being gay, that he didn't want the political
optics of his man in the Ukraine, Yanekovich, being so quickly drop-kicked back into the Russian
end zone after Olympic games were done.
The other thing is that in this age of proud nuclear weapon disarmament, I heard a citizen of the
Ukraine state with firm determination in her voice on C-Span, in front of an audience of eastern European studies professors, that Russia was the reason all the countries of the former Soviet Union
should pursue nuclear capabilities.
What a kettle of fish that could be!

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