Monday, October 27, 2014


Please, if you have been to Africa, don't get the flu. You'll get shut down cold. I can't exactly see the
point, because if you do cough or sneeze and it touches someone who doesn't notice while you were
climbing from 100.2 to 100.4, how would anyone know?
How long would a group of Ebola creatures be viable after landing on your knuckle from the man
standing in line behind you just before you wipe something from your eye?
Trying to quarantine everyone who comes to the U.S. from West Africa sounds expensive and weildy.
Just how many precise thermometers do we have anyway?
Nina Pham didn't go to West Africa.
Amber Vinson hadn't been to West Africa.
Other nurses who cared for Mr. Duncan aren't sick with Ebola.
So in some ways, anyone who gets a fever has to go home and lock themselves away, because no one knows for certain who has a fever about to be 100.4.
Quarantine will probably not work at all unless we are kind to people and encourage self-monitoring
with a kind protocol.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Mr. Lawrence O'Donnell And 'Dr.' Blah Blah Melnick

This woman truly spoke like an enraging fool.
Does she know who Mr. O'Donnell is? The man is a giant of reasoned intellectualism.
She wanted him to believe Mike Brown may have been moving toward the murderous police person's
gun in such a way that he got a bullet in the top of his head as a young man of 6'4'', to force a downward trajectory of that killing bullet.
Then she wanted Mr.O'Donnell to believe that Mike Brown's hand was moving in such a way that it
had to be reaching for a loaded gun because Mike's thumb was shot.
Is it her theory then, that Mike Brown was suicidal- or does dropping one's head after being pumped
full of bullets, and blocking a gunshot fired at one's person constitute defensive postures...even in an
autopsy report?
The next time I see someone like this woman with the title 'Dr.' after her name, yes, I am going to think of the very backward 'Dr.' who seemed to describe Trayvon Martin completely able to run a
few yards with a bullet in his heart.
What a bunch of lying quacks.
Do they work at Texas Presby in Dallas?

Monday, October 20, 2014

Venus Is Not Serena

Before Serena worries about whether some people think she looks like a man, someone should explain to her that rape is a violent, criminal act, regardless of a girl's sobriety.
The little girl she dismissed in Ohio knew rape was not a legitimate punishment for having too much
to drink.
Why didn't Serena know that herself?
'T see ourselves as others see us', Serena- do some self-reflection.

Do You Hate Black People?

Well then...get a badge from a police department.
Find young black people, older black people, whatever black people you like.
Gun them down without provocation.
Say you were frightened.
Say you thought dying was charging.
Say you thought a toy was a gun.
Say you thought the person 'looked' like a criminal you have seen.
Say you thought a driver's license or a wallet was a gun.
Beat them for walking too close to traffic.
Shoot them at point blank range as they lay prostrate face down in the dirt in surrender.
Kill them as they get into a car driving away from a bachelor's night out before their weddings.
Do all these patently absurd things, and any other equally absurd thing you'd like to do or say
so that you can fill the living muscle and organs in black bodies full of live, fiery lead bullets; then
stand around in broad daylight and grin, or gloat with bloody glee, with the sort of swollen
decay police people have harbored within their soulless guts, and instituted in the no longer alive persons whose living they have obliterated.

Again. What In The World Is Wrong With Monica Lewinsky?

What does she mean her boss was President  Of The United States?
He was president of his family.
He was leader of the free world.
He used very, very bad judgement- because she was in no way worthy even of his dalliance.
Not only was she without a weighty enough age to be involved with him, she still hasn't had enough character to admit they were wrong, either before or after their acquaintance became national fodder.

Texas Presby- Malpractice Criminals

Why would anyone ever go to this hospital again?
Why are people in the media soft-peddling the national response?
In what universe does any medical health professional give a person who says he is sick, a tylenol
prescription for bad stomach pains? Who wrote that script or suggested that course of treatment?
These people need to be prosecuted.
Why is our conversation all about the still healthy nurses at Texas Presby who saw Mr. Duncan in the E.R.?
What attending examined Mr. Duncan? What staff physician did the exam and wrote the discharge
summary and instructions?
These people are criminals.
We have a doctor in Pennsylvania doing time for trying to help poor women desperate for abortions,
while people like the medical workers in Dallas putting thousands at risk. Why?!

Monday, October 13, 2014

Adrian Peterson's Mom

At least this lady is excruciatingly honest.
She admits she sometimes went too far.
Is he going to be able to react to her honesty now,or is she too late?

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Our Fall Bees In Detroit

I can't speak for all Detroit neighborhoods, or even for all households in our neighborhood.
However, the many bees, and even a couple of the wasps, seem desperately dehydrated.
Can we blame climate change?
If so, our crops may be in a bit of danger.
Can engineers program some robotic bees?

MSNBC's Chris Hayes

All of last week Chris Hayes did special reports on coal and coal mining in America.
Thursday, on his show, All In With Chris Hayes, he hilariously had Greig's
"Hall Of The Mountain King" playing softly in the background of his verbal reporting on
mountain-top removal of our coal stores.
Usually I am so serious on this topic.
Thursday, I giggled all the way through the music, at least.

Ebola And The Black Plague

What do the organisms in these two diseases have in common?
Likely, they were, and are all atheists; and they all believe we are dumb if we aren't all as well.

Remember Hela?

I remember Hela.
Cervical cancer was just cervical cancer for centuries.
Hela showed us some cervical cancers were way more powerful than others.
Right now, Ebola may be Ebola.
However, we had better admit we know there can be different strains- either now, or in the
evolutionary future of this disease.

Bad Ideas In Texas

Some parts of Texas profess to love denying all the scientific information they can find to deny.
Before Ronald Reagan, even during some of the Reagan era, they were really getting their act
together in Texas, well, in parts of Texas.
What medicine has got to get across to all parts of the public, is that: 1)science is real and 2) denying
science is just as dangerous now as it was when Japanese legislators denied their scientists' warnings that America had the atom bomb in WWII.
Acknowledging science at this point in our history encompasses the acceptance that Gd is the creator
of this world, and of its science.
The most Christian thing we can do is to listen to experts who tell us how to protect one another.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Is The Bill Maher Show Confusing Me?

Yes it is.
The King James bible has been the excuse for rotten people to engage in rotten practices for hundreds
of years.
What were slave traders in this country claiming? Christianity meant it to be.
What are their descendants using to promote continued segregation and oppression? The Christian bible.
Has anyone read The Rabbit Proof Fence? Barbarous! Those racial policies were recently enforced.
Has ISIL killed and displaced more Muslims than George W. Bush? Bush claims Christianity.
As far as ISIL is concerned, Bush, Chaney, and their cohorts are war criminals...Christian criminals.
Who is going to change their minds simply because we feel ISIL is powerless to express those feelings.
It was not forever ago when the British Isles stopped taking away a girl's baby,even against her wishes, if she got pregnant out of wedlock, rape or no rape, then forcing her
into unpaid work at convents.
Can't a man in England still put his 85-year-old mom out of her house when his dad dies?
Those unnecessary laws which can cause hardship to some elderly women are not considered inconsistent with Christianity.
Don't sports players and coaches in this country rape and abuse women and young boys with
impunity? People cheered Joe Paterno until his end, though they knew cheering might be over
the top if he were complicit in knowing children were being assaulted.
Don't these same sports heroes later beat and abuse the women and children they profess to love?
Is that because their Christianity is a bad idea, or because laws in a Christian society are bad ideas?
I suppose that premise has to be considered a truism if  'Muslim' ideas are so bad.
'Christian' law enforcement people are beating, choking, and gunning down citizens in American streets. Racists in this country claim the bible mandates separate treatment of dark-skinned persons.
Now, let me see, Christians abuse women, children, minorities...have I forgotten anyone?
Who is left out of those groups? I know the answer is a bit obvious.
True, these crimes do not rise to the level of beheading people, and burying children alive.
Yet where is the realization that when they happen, those who commit them profess to be Christian?
Jihadists are not the only Muslims in this world.
If we believe for one teeny, tiny, moment, that in order to eradicate jihad, we must attack and eradicate the Muslim faith; then we are not one bit evolved from our days of the Crusades.
We are, in fact, as nutty as any other group if we believe "bad ideas" are restricted to the Koran.
Seriously- we had better be planning something more apt to work than the idea of vilifying
the Muslim religion in order to banish extremism from our midst.

Two Things ISIL Wants From The U.S.A.

A. ISIL wants us to come whenever they call, with our entire war machine in tow.
B. ISIL wants us to turn away and go, on their terms, whenever they dismiss us.
ISIL wants us in this posture- forever.
Now, do either of those things sound like anything we should be prepared to do...ever?

Texas Presbyterian

This place has the aura now of 'nightmare'.
It should be shut down.
Who in their right minds would go there now.
They felt happy to unleash Ebola on the community at large.
Maybe next time it won't be Ebola- but what if you are very sick and someone there decides for
whatever reason they will probably get away with just not being bothered.?
How would anyone know who to trust in that place?
Maybe being American wouldn't be enough in some circumstances.
Maybe being white wouldn't be enough in certain situations.
Being sick, and possibly contagious certainly seems a disqualifier.
Of all the gin joints....
Mr. Duncan traveled way over the seas to get married. Instead, he will be buried- or something akin
to burial, a man only 42 years old.
I was surely heartbroken when I heard he had died.
He was so far from home.
He was surrounded by hostile, negligent people.
He died without anyone he knew.
He died without anyone who had ever loved him.
I hope the voices of his family and his beloved drowned out all the others during his last times here,
perhaps "on this darkling plain."

Mr. Thomas Eric Duncan

Mr. Duncan was a kind and generous human being.
I said to my daughter, "He did not deserve death. All he did was try to help a dying pregnant lady."
She replied, "Yes he was a  good and empathic person, and he came all the way across the ocean to
meet no one his equal."

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Jackson, FL Makes Sanford The Freaks

I am so glad the jurors didn't use the excuse- 'the law made me do it.'
Decent people know that in a democracy, the jury votes its conscience.
I don't mean to say vote a convenient conscience.
I mean to say it would have been justice for that hell of a jury in Sanford to have
believed John Guy when he said, 'that kid would have had to have fie or six hands to bang
a grown man's head while putting his hand over the man's mouth and reaching for the man's
gun all at the same time.'
But a person would have to have a clean and correct conscience to understand and believe
the truth in Mr. Guy's words.
Now Jordan Davis' suffering and loss has given Trayvon Martin's sacrifice a more resonant credence.
I am very thankful this Jackson jury did the right thing.
Maybe we are now one millimeter farther along on the escape from lynchings than we were when
Emmit was killed in Mississippi, and the jury of those killers' peers let them off scott free.

The Six Degrees of Alan Alda And Alan Henning

My sincere prayers go to Alan Henning's family, and his memory.
Mr. Henning was a London cab driver beheaded a day or so ago by ISIL for no reason whatsoever.
Years ago, Alan Alda took part in a research study which sought to interview people in various
positions in job strata, to find out who were happiest in their jobs.
Many with differing locations and purposes within the professions came in near enough to the top.
Several indices were used to measure satisfaction, mere tolerance, dissatisfaction, and true happiness
doing a job to earn a living.
Turns out, at the very top of the list by a good bit were London cab drivers.
As it turns out, the city is so old, and has so many histories and changes in different parts of its
geography, that nearly every fare is a point A to point B adventure, showing shortcuts, new routes,
and pointing out amazing facts when tourists are in tow.
Imagine a member of such a group making such a wondrous sacrifice to help a terrorized people.
Human beings do indeed have gracious and blessed people among them. Mr. Henning shows us that
in stark relief to the people we can scarcely think of as people as they make these useless, brutal
choices about the lives and deaths of others in order to prove how inhuman they are.
We get it. We believe you. You are barely human. Can you finally stop now?

China Is Strangely Silent

China has made trillions of dollars in Africa over the years.
More than one to three million Chinese persons live in Africa.
Shouldn't China be doing a lot to help out in this latest Ebola crisis?
Hopefully they aren't still buying off Arabs to drive people out of Darfur so Chinese
engineers can search for oil under the farmlands of indigenous people.

France And Its Ebola Eradication Contribution

France, reportedly in the news for under contributing in this crisis, has done what it can do.
It has been said France contributed $100,000,000 and twenty French citizens.
I've heard previously that France's 'Doctors Without Borders' has been battling Ebola for years.
We need to take into account as well: France has no people.
France has been short on men since the Napoleonic Wars.
The country has very carefully nurtured its pre-school population, even paid women who bore sons.
France is a country absolutely essential to western European finance, literature, language, and culture.
The Loire Valley alone contributes billions each year, as do the flower, fashion, and perfume industries.
The language is spoken world-wide; and the dictionaries for it are protected word by word by a council of elders who meet regularly to preen and approve every entry, looking carefully at possible
new entries.
The country is relatively small with a relatively small population.
Though it is considered wealthy, it probably does what it can in ongoing ways most of the time, and in somewhat measured ways at other times.
Perhaps considering its history there, however, it should be making much more of an effort in
Sierra Leone.
Italy and Spain are not so criticised; but they are not quite so wealthy, aside from the Vatican.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Mr. And Mrs. Carter

The gossip is that they are on the marriage skids.
If this is true, I feel sad about it. Why?
I saw the two of them on stage last Saturday in the televised Global Citizen initiative concert.
They each had magic moments with the crowd.
However, I sensed Jay Z is still very much in love.
I couldn't tell anything much from her body language.
I don't know if Mr. Carter is a good guy, but he is certainly a married man, literally and figuratively.
He is clearly in awe of his wife.
Awe can sometimes have a corrosive effect on a marriage.

Would You Get Sick In Dallas...Or In Austin?

Except for Craig Watson, Dallas is as backward as any third world country.
By that I mean there are no standards except for those of the tremendously vacant Rick Perry
and those sad, sad people who found the need to vote for him.
Medical standards should escape Rick Perryness, right?
No way.
As a matter of fact, even Governor Perry isn't as backward as many of his constituents.
He did want to save millions of little girls from HPV disease, as was clarified in the 2012 Republican
But much to the dismay of so many of us, the Dallas sort of Texan is prevalent in the state, and
decided once again- the bible didn't speak on HPV, therefore, like evolution, and climate change, it
must not exist.
Now, there are still a zillion brilliant people in Dallas; but sorry- they've been outvoted.
So for you zillion, be careful, and realize evolution does exist, and if Ebola is not contained in a
relatively short amount of time, it can, it will, it actually already has evolved.
We don't want a rapidly evolving epidemiological disease. Do we?

Joy Reid With Mr. Fauci and Mr. Costello

Joy Reid was a consummate professional as she listened to rude, raucous answers to her questions on
Ebola. the CDC, and other epidemiology questions on her show Thursday, October 2nd.
What in the world was wrong with these two flakes?
'It's not the job of the CDC to encourage companies to develop medicines', Fauci snarled.
So what? Mightn't they take on the role if a world epidemic is on the horizon? What is it you are ina nasty snit about when you answer a question?"
Later, on the Rachel Maddow Show, Fauci was all of a gentleman. He went on and on about the CDC. What in the world...?
Costello was barely more civil.
Later, he was also on another MSNBC news show. Butter would have melted in his mouth.

Michelle Obama

Furious came from the emotion, terror.
She has two babies in the White House.
They are not in swaddling any longer, but to her, they are her babies.
She wouldn't trade them for anything in this world, including this country.
She wouldn't put them in harms way.
Her mom is in that house, because Michelle Obama has to have her babies with
her, though she has a lot of work to do.
She'd give up her arm.
She'd give up her leg.
She'd give up her life.
For a woman like Michelle Obama, those kids are job one, two three and on and on
ad infinitum.
Because she is their mom, and she knows one day they will be black women in America.
She knows some people will hate them solely because of who they are to America, and to her,
and to Barack Hussein Obama.
She knows the best thing she can ever offer them is a safe and insulated childhood.
The problem is: she has to insulate them from so very much more than I ever needed to keep my
kids from, and she knows she would not mentally survive falling down on that job, especially if
something also happened to her mom.
Michelle Obama may not ever have realized the Secret Service protecting her family would be
overworked, understaffed, and focused as much as possible chiefly on her husband.
When I heard Barack Obama was running for president I had no doubt he was American, but I
didn't believe he was black.
When I realized Michelle Robinson had married him, had babies for him, I began to think- 'he
must be authentic'.
Still, I told all my friends and relatives "No way would I ever vote for him. Black people in the
south will never vote for him. He has babies. Does he know this is America? They shoot first and
ask questions never?"
But one of my daughter's couldn't resist him. I wondered, 'How can she be that way? She doesn't know history. She doesn't understand race hatred.
My niece thought he was wonderful. There were two people I knew now, eager for his campaign.
So I paid close attention, with mounting terror in my conscious mind.
When the President won Iowa, I was stunned. Iowa? Are they setting him up or something?
Then I heard Michelle Obama say: "Don't be afraid for us.  Support us."
From that moment on, my ice block resistance to him as the man, the family in the White House melted slowly.
Back then the Secret Service at least, was the better part of stellar.
Since then, the threats and hate groups have multiplied geometrically.
Congress knows this.
Congress needs to put aside its depravity now that all thus is public.
Would they want the President to lose his family, the best part of his identity?
Barack Obama doesn't hang out with his mom's brothers and sisters. There are none.
He doesn't chat with his grandma's family, or his grandfather's family.
His sister lives in Canada.
One brother lives in Kenya.
Other siblings are not close, not raised with him.
He can't kick back with his brothers and sisters in America. There are none.
President Obama has Michelle, her mom, her brother, and her two children.
That's about it for the core of his identity.
He isn't from a big Texas oil family.
His dad wasn't a U.S. President.
He has no 'good ole boy' network in Arkansas, where he was once a governor.
He isn't a darling of cowboys or the entire right wing of 80s America.
That crowd who worship guns, use the bible as an excuse for hating other people, and despised
the idea of busing- that crowd has grown, and massed against the president.
We need the Secret Service to be all it can be, and more than it has been.
The Service is the state of our union; and Michelle Obama has to have faith in that fact.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

A Long Way To Go And A Short Time To Make It In

Shirley Sherrod
Katheline Sebelius
Eric Shinseki
Julia Pierson
The Republican-dominated Congress in D.C. accuses, blames, feigns outrage, spits judgement.
And yet- they don't fund anything at needed levels. They shut our government down, and are happy
to do that. When the departments re shut down, they are not working. This Congress wants all
needed functions to cease. When functions grind to a halt, they accuse everyone but themselves.
They know that America is a capitalist country. They love that. And so people in America can't even
afford to get to work when they are overworked, but underpaid.
No way could Ms. Pearson have done the job 3x more demanding than it was in 2007 with roughly
half the personnel she needed.
Congress only pretends to care.
No way could Katheline Sebelius have known every American needing to get health insurance would
feel a government shut-down breathing down their necks as her website opened.
Eric Shinseki did all he could with the dearth of doctors he had to work with at Vets Admin.
Shrley Sherrod- who knows what nut gave all the misinformation on her?
I hope Secret Service gets its morale back, because the President, his family, and our country need
them much more than we need a Sequestration, or any other bright idea Republicans can conjure.
And the Service needs its morale more than it needs so many 'leaks'.
President and Mrs. Obama need to know. I doubt we do.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Darren Wilson Est Un Muertrier

Mike Brown's communaute a de l' horreur pour Wilson.
Je sais ma francais est ne pas tellement bonne.
Cependant, Je pense j'ai ecrit tout j'aie pu de mon mepris en Anglais.
Wilson est un caprice de la nature, un monstre.
Il a decide a tirer pour tuer, un jeune homme, sans armes, plusieurs temps, a bout portant, dans
la tete..
Ses actes ont ete une trahison de ce qu'il a prete serment faire.
Mais, je crois il est tres heureux etre ce degoutant.
Excusez-moi, s'il vous plait- Je n' a pas des accents sur ce machine.

The Secret Service Is Secret

For that reason, we still don't know what's going on at the White House.
My guess is that in part, the Service is so understaffed, they are using all their resources to vet actual
places where the President's person takes up space.
The people who seem OK , and the family,and the White House itself become secondary.
Congress knows they are overworked and understaffed. Why is Congress excusing itself from blame?
I'm put in mind of Richard Nixon wanting a 'plant' in the extra Secret Service Ted Kennedy requested
after Bobby Kennedy was killed.
Whatever has been going on in this particular Secret Service is obviously not working at all.
The Service needs beefing up- badly; and now the whole world thinks it knows all about everything.
Fat chance.