Monday, October 20, 2014

Do You Hate Black People?

Well then...get a badge from a police department.
Find young black people, older black people, whatever black people you like.
Gun them down without provocation.
Say you were frightened.
Say you thought dying was charging.
Say you thought a toy was a gun.
Say you thought the person 'looked' like a criminal you have seen.
Say you thought a driver's license or a wallet was a gun.
Beat them for walking too close to traffic.
Shoot them at point blank range as they lay prostrate face down in the dirt in surrender.
Kill them as they get into a car driving away from a bachelor's night out before their weddings.
Do all these patently absurd things, and any other equally absurd thing you'd like to do or say
so that you can fill the living muscle and organs in black bodies full of live, fiery lead bullets; then
stand around in broad daylight and grin, or gloat with bloody glee, with the sort of swollen
decay police people have harbored within their soulless guts, and instituted in the no longer alive persons whose living they have obliterated.

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