Friday, October 10, 2014

Is The Bill Maher Show Confusing Me?

Yes it is.
The King James bible has been the excuse for rotten people to engage in rotten practices for hundreds
of years.
What were slave traders in this country claiming? Christianity meant it to be.
What are their descendants using to promote continued segregation and oppression? The Christian bible.
Has anyone read The Rabbit Proof Fence? Barbarous! Those racial policies were recently enforced.
Has ISIL killed and displaced more Muslims than George W. Bush? Bush claims Christianity.
As far as ISIL is concerned, Bush, Chaney, and their cohorts are war criminals...Christian criminals.
Who is going to change their minds simply because we feel ISIL is powerless to express those feelings.
It was not forever ago when the British Isles stopped taking away a girl's baby,even against her wishes, if she got pregnant out of wedlock, rape or no rape, then forcing her
into unpaid work at convents.
Can't a man in England still put his 85-year-old mom out of her house when his dad dies?
Those unnecessary laws which can cause hardship to some elderly women are not considered inconsistent with Christianity.
Don't sports players and coaches in this country rape and abuse women and young boys with
impunity? People cheered Joe Paterno until his end, though they knew cheering might be over
the top if he were complicit in knowing children were being assaulted.
Don't these same sports heroes later beat and abuse the women and children they profess to love?
Is that because their Christianity is a bad idea, or because laws in a Christian society are bad ideas?
I suppose that premise has to be considered a truism if  'Muslim' ideas are so bad.
'Christian' law enforcement people are beating, choking, and gunning down citizens in American streets. Racists in this country claim the bible mandates separate treatment of dark-skinned persons.
Now, let me see, Christians abuse women, children, minorities...have I forgotten anyone?
Who is left out of those groups? I know the answer is a bit obvious.
True, these crimes do not rise to the level of beheading people, and burying children alive.
Yet where is the realization that when they happen, those who commit them profess to be Christian?
Jihadists are not the only Muslims in this world.
If we believe for one teeny, tiny, moment, that in order to eradicate jihad, we must attack and eradicate the Muslim faith; then we are not one bit evolved from our days of the Crusades.
We are, in fact, as nutty as any other group if we believe "bad ideas" are restricted to the Koran.
Seriously- we had better be planning something more apt to work than the idea of vilifying
the Muslim religion in order to banish extremism from our midst.

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