Saturday, February 14, 2015

Would A Boy Head-Butt or Charge A Fired Bullett?

No he wouldn't.

Wasn't Thomas Jefferson A Serial Rapist?

Can a slave form and act on intent or consent contrary to a 'master's' wishes?
Could the man cheating on his wife have been true to Sally Hemmings?
Some geniuses are disgusting persons.
That may also be why Jefferson devised a lottery in which the unwon proceeds were to go to his white children. A disgusting man.

POTUS Didn't Have To Go Back 800 Years: He Needed To

When President Obama recalled The Crusades at this year's National Prayer Breakfast, I began to
remember the fiasco as it was taught by the nuns at my school in eighth grade.
The sisters thought it was so disgusting, they taught the geography of the ancient landscapes, and they taught the routes. When it came to the rational of the 'Christians", they seemed embarrassed, and at a loss. This was in 1960. They refused to delve into any of the practices the Christians thought
righteous in order to spread their beliefs. Our nuns had the attitude about that expressed in the Jim
Carey movie about an African adventure: "Leave that part out."
Later, I learned in higher education classes, and from my dad, that those practices were barbaric.
But POTUS could have held up the practices and beliefs and votes of the religious right in this country, and the deeds they still think righteous.
If Jordan's pilot had been subjected to what Mike Brown Jr. was subjected to but about thirty weeks ago, and the entire thing was filmed, including the hours the young person's body lay in the street, and the manner in which the young man's body was finally removed, could Jordan have been less
I doubt it.
As the Palestinian people showed solidarity with Ferguson and all of us who hurt for Mike Brown Jr. and his family, they themselves were being bombed daily!
Does anyone think that escaped ISIL?
And do we know the horrors inflicted on people during American slavery, much nearer than 800 years ago, are all unknown to ISIL?
Records of the atrocities are preserved, in the handwriting of the perpetrators. Has no one in ISIL seen what is written in the Maryland archives? Have they heard of slaves forced to wear metal bits in their mouths while picking crops in the hot sun so they won't be able to eat anything?
Have they read the account of the proud owner who forced one slave to defecate in the mouth of another who actually had eaten without permission? No, in his writings, he didn't use the word 'defecate'. He wanted a more colorful description, much cruder.
Can we be certain ISIL hasn't read the article in a Smithsonian magazine about a New York slave roasted alive on a pit for trying to escape?
Have none of the doctors, lawyers, and statesmen in their ranks heard of the breeding farms Rhode
Island ran to supply slaves to Virginia planters? Many young girls lost their lives thrown in with men
who'd been corralled in isolation together for long periods of time. I guess the farmers had to undergo
a learning curve on how to render a girl alive and pregnant.
Can we be certain ISIL never heard of Ruby Ridge, or of Jonestown? Now how Christian were those
groups laying claim to being? Wasn't that all in the last half of the twentieth century?
Does ISIL know about the Missouri militias running around their mountains with necklaces of the
facial parts of Native Americans around their necks in the 19th century...lips, teeth, noses, etc.?
When has America been free of committing atrocities against people? What did Bush and Cheney do
to the Iraqi people?
President Obama cannot say these things, because though they are factual, they are too indelicate for the sensibilities of his countrymen. But I can say them because for people to have suffered them is a
much more indelicate thing than for us to have read them or acknowledged them and I do not represent all of America.
If ISIL did not come up with the atrocities they commit on their own, then they may have learned them from us. Or maybe they read the Nebelungenleid. Either way, Western culture heaps
nightmares on human beings.
What ISIL should think about is that when they do the repulsive things they do, they are in very bad
company. Very bad company indeed.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Theories Of Working Vs. Earning

People have always worked whether they earned much or not.
History has many instances of top-heavy societies. We aren't the only one.
Here's the thing: they don't last intact with the greediest intact.
And this time, the fattest wallets have more worldwide recognition than they have had in the past.
We in America have to be the ones to notice how far to push the poor before the edge of tolerance
appears in the nearest future. We are the ones who need to notice the disenfranchisement before
it becomes Bartelby, or on the other end, Madame DeFarge.
America needs to enact enough policy decision to deal with issues as impactful on human need as hunger. Masses of people don't tolerate hunger.
When people work, they are not working for an employer; they are actually working for themselves.
People have very little interest in making others wealthier than they need to be to run a company.
The 47% have nearly every one had a job. They have worked for an employer's capital.
And so the other 52% are still working for earnings someone else will claim.
99% of our citizens are working or have worked for nearly 100% of the wealth the country claims.
Because workers don't reap the earnings for the most part, society has to mitigate the suffering they
are to endure to keep communism at bay.
Russians, alas, have not been the only modern world citizens to wait in bread lines.
Employers have not one thin dime if no one is working in their enterprises, especially in America.
America is still the place worldwide markets are generated. (Though other countries seem to be coming on board in that vein as the need to combat exotic disease grows.) In the meantime...
When a man puts an automobile together, pay him. Don't trickle down a few pennies. Pay the man for  his work.
When a woman teaches a math class, pay her. Don't give her an IOU where you tell her she has no
say in what she feels her work is worth. Working citizens have to be able to competently measure. So
she needs to help them grow with those concepts.
When a young person verifies the microbial purity in a vat of milk, pay that person. You are selling
a product which can easily kill people if it encourages certain levels and types of microbial growth.
Employers will get the lion's share of profits from the sales they claim...if they have workers.
Cheating workers comes from increasing glee over getting away with greed.
Remember though, without workers, no enterprise exists, no matter who wants to claim works

China Would Love To Control Manufacture And Trade In The Pacific Rim

If we aren't careful, China will do just that.
We have new manufacturing interests, twenty-first century manufacturing possibilities on our horizons.
All we have to do is make certain our middle class is trained for the new economy.
We need to do that.
We have time to do that.
We have time to push away currency manipulations, because they will always be there.
We don't have time to invest more expertise and capital in twentieth century manufacturing.
We must admit we need the discomfort of the TPP or something like it to get out of our comfort
We have to be on the cutting edge of putting forth the newest most technological manufacturing,
leaving what we have now to a less skilled work force.
So far, we are adding more and more new jobs, jobs no one heard of last century. And we can
continue to do that. We even have an aluminum Ford F-150 coming online.
We're poised to be at the top of the new food chain.
We need to give up some of the ground beef so we can have more of a chance to be first to get the ground round.

I Know So Many Muslims Who Are Not Radical

Perhaps Detroit Muslims are different than all other Muslims in the world; but I doubt it.
We have a large Muslim population here, and those with whom I come in contact are quiet and somewhat religious.
None I can think of are either  radical or intolerant in their religious behaviors. They don't think kindly of the Bush family; but not because that family is Christian.
No Muslim I know is planning to run off to Iraq or Syria to join a fight of any sort.
I don't know all Muslims.
And neither does anyone of any religion.

Nothing Wrong With Coach Carroll's Call

A million times I think I've seen the ball fumbled and recovered by the opposing team at the one yard
line, maybe even closer.
Football is not a game of promised or certain outcomes.
It seems only Tom Brady has had the guts to give the devil his due on the skilled interception
for the last play of the game.
I hope the Seahawks didn't go into the locker room pointing fingers all over the place.
And I am so glad the coach has some intelligent perspective on the difference between losing an
important game, and say- losing his important mom.
Some of us don't seem to know the two things aren't even close to the same thing, except maybe,

Does ISIL Believe Westerners Are Christian Jihadists?

Yes they do.

Bush: Couldn't Kill All The Iraqis

The people of Iraq wanted us out of their country.
If we blame them, we are misguided.
We were weapons of mass destruction.

What Does An 'Insurgent' Uniform Look Like?

It looks like any protective clothing a man would wear to defend his homeland.

Why Isn't POTUS Burning And Beheading?

He has no need.
He has no inclination to do that sort of thing.
He has nothing to prove.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Mr. Ed Schultz of MSNBC

American middle classed citizens don't have that chance anymore, that chance to dominate certain
manufacturing jobs worldwide. That ship has sailed. What will happen now is that either we are front and center on controlling trade and manufacturing in the pacific rim, or China will move right in there, in that space left by people who need work, even fifty cent per hour work.
 On the other hand, we can be prepared to fight tooth and nail to control currency manipulations in these same countries offering such cheap labor competition.
We can also fight to prepare our middle class to work at more technologically advanced jobs, because the jobs industry will need even ten years from now don't exist today.
The new American middle class can dominate jobs demanding a bit more technological expertise if we get the community college initiatives going.
I sure hope we help each other understand that world business will no longer invest in unskilled workers at top dollar for hourly or even salaried work. We are not there any longer. We'd like business to go back a bit, wait a bit. They are not going to do that.

Best Wishes For Trayvon And Family

I wish Trayvon could be here to celebrate his birthday with his family today.  I would like it if we
knew what time Trayvon was born. I'd have tried to be online at that historic time.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Fox News

Human beings have language.
Do you see now?
We know exactly what is meant by "a Jordanian fighter pilot was caged, then burned to death by ISIL".

Saddam's Ex-Pat People

George W. Bush destroyed their lives.
They escaped the country they loved; and now they are back.
Their country is not back.
So they have decided to 1) get even, and 2) get a country.
What can we do to stop the bloodletting that we didn't do by ending the Iraq war?
Perhaps we should convince the Baathe party members of Iraq to re-instate themselves in the
Iraqi government which does exist right now, notwithstanding how much they resent it.
They could be the only path to a centrally-located secular government in the Mid-East.
If we had that in Iraq, we could inch our way to diplomatic relations with both Iraq and Iran.
In that way, absent some very backward Reagan Iran-Contra mess, other smaller countries there
won't experience such extreme blow back from some of the more fundamentalist Muslim countries
and population groups.

Chris Christie Knows He Will Just Quarantine Them All

A governor who likes to quarantine people has no reason to listen to medical professionals when it
comes to preventing diseases before outbreaks become issues. That governor only needs an aftermarket plan.
I guess he thinks that's leadership?

Rand Paul- Mr. Aqua Buddah Believes In Freedom For Viruses

Still a nut.
Parents have no right to allow their children to be infected and infectious.
Parents do not own children they are endangering.
Since slavery is illegal, and children are people, I wonder if parents can own children at all.
In the real world, not everyone can do what he or she pleases because some people love to abridge
the rights of others.
For instance, some people would gladly use their private businesses to publicly discriminate- based on creed, or maybe, color...even in America.

Should We Have Let Typhoid Mary Do Whatever She Wanted?

Maybe not. Whole families were dying all at about the same time. Her freedoms had to be abridged.

These Are Not Your Mom's Measles

If an HIV positive person contracts measles, that infection could be much more deadly than it would be otherwise.Conversely-
If measles is contracted from an HIV positive person by a non-HIV person, that measles disease may be much more difficult to treat than  traditional measles. That's the nature  of  HIV.
As we begin to notice the world is disaese smaller, we had better realize we all may have to work harder to be disease free.