Friday, February 6, 2015

Theories Of Working Vs. Earning

People have always worked whether they earned much or not.
History has many instances of top-heavy societies. We aren't the only one.
Here's the thing: they don't last intact with the greediest intact.
And this time, the fattest wallets have more worldwide recognition than they have had in the past.
We in America have to be the ones to notice how far to push the poor before the edge of tolerance
appears in the nearest future. We are the ones who need to notice the disenfranchisement before
it becomes Bartelby, or on the other end, Madame DeFarge.
America needs to enact enough policy decision to deal with issues as impactful on human need as hunger. Masses of people don't tolerate hunger.
When people work, they are not working for an employer; they are actually working for themselves.
People have very little interest in making others wealthier than they need to be to run a company.
The 47% have nearly every one had a job. They have worked for an employer's capital.
And so the other 52% are still working for earnings someone else will claim.
99% of our citizens are working or have worked for nearly 100% of the wealth the country claims.
Because workers don't reap the earnings for the most part, society has to mitigate the suffering they
are to endure to keep communism at bay.
Russians, alas, have not been the only modern world citizens to wait in bread lines.
Employers have not one thin dime if no one is working in their enterprises, especially in America.
America is still the place worldwide markets are generated. (Though other countries seem to be coming on board in that vein as the need to combat exotic disease grows.) In the meantime...
When a man puts an automobile together, pay him. Don't trickle down a few pennies. Pay the man for  his work.
When a woman teaches a math class, pay her. Don't give her an IOU where you tell her she has no
say in what she feels her work is worth. Working citizens have to be able to competently measure. So
she needs to help them grow with those concepts.
When a young person verifies the microbial purity in a vat of milk, pay that person. You are selling
a product which can easily kill people if it encourages certain levels and types of microbial growth.
Employers will get the lion's share of profits from the sales they claim...if they have workers.
Cheating workers comes from increasing glee over getting away with greed.
Remember though, without workers, no enterprise exists, no matter who wants to claim works

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