Thursday, February 5, 2015

Mr. Ed Schultz of MSNBC

American middle classed citizens don't have that chance anymore, that chance to dominate certain
manufacturing jobs worldwide. That ship has sailed. What will happen now is that either we are front and center on controlling trade and manufacturing in the pacific rim, or China will move right in there, in that space left by people who need work, even fifty cent per hour work.
 On the other hand, we can be prepared to fight tooth and nail to control currency manipulations in these same countries offering such cheap labor competition.
We can also fight to prepare our middle class to work at more technologically advanced jobs, because the jobs industry will need even ten years from now don't exist today.
The new American middle class can dominate jobs demanding a bit more technological expertise if we get the community college initiatives going.
I sure hope we help each other understand that world business will no longer invest in unskilled workers at top dollar for hourly or even salaried work. We are not there any longer. We'd like business to go back a bit, wait a bit. They are not going to do that.

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