Friday, February 6, 2015

China Would Love To Control Manufacture And Trade In The Pacific Rim

If we aren't careful, China will do just that.
We have new manufacturing interests, twenty-first century manufacturing possibilities on our horizons.
All we have to do is make certain our middle class is trained for the new economy.
We need to do that.
We have time to do that.
We have time to push away currency manipulations, because they will always be there.
We don't have time to invest more expertise and capital in twentieth century manufacturing.
We must admit we need the discomfort of the TPP or something like it to get out of our comfort
We have to be on the cutting edge of putting forth the newest most technological manufacturing,
leaving what we have now to a less skilled work force.
So far, we are adding more and more new jobs, jobs no one heard of last century. And we can
continue to do that. We even have an aluminum Ford F-150 coming online.
We're poised to be at the top of the new food chain.
We need to give up some of the ground beef so we can have more of a chance to be first to get the ground round.

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