Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Why Do We Keep Visiting The 1930s?

These references to Germany in the first half of the last century are so disrespectful- especially since
we did so much to create that situation.
We don't see 1863 as the First World War, but it may have been,
For more than two hundred years England, Portugal, France, and Spain got richer and richer from
slave colonies in the New World.
All Germany and Italy did wrong in those days was pay for all the work they needed to have done.
They were obviously late getting to the ship-building party for easy access to the west African coast
and the Middle Passage.
Within forty years of our Civil War, Germany was clearly suffering from having little to show for
the years leading up to their uniting the many small city-states in their territory. Italy struggled in the
same way.
No one is to blame for that; but the bitterness and resentment in those countries grew.
'Why should we be the hungry?' they fumed.
The war we call WWI blew the lid off that rage.
Nothing was settled by the 'end' of that war; therefore; within less than thirty years, the same agitant
countries, now including Japan for various reasons were even more desperate.
They turned on their own citizens, feeling the way to prosperity was exploitation.
They used the non-logic: No one cared when Armenians were recently subjected to genocide, so
no one will bother if we have to execute the same 'solutions' in our country.
Yet nothing could have been further from the most barbarous of truths.
Neither extremes of exploitation, attack, assault, rape, and kidnap with forced labor nor genocides
are reasonable paths toward enlarging human progress.
We can't stress enough how Jewish scientists undid the horrors of the 1930s with the invention of the
atomic bomb.
Lise Meitner, Niels Bohr, Robert Oppenheimer, Leo Szillard, and many others with the 20th century genius needed to secure an awful solution to an awful scene came in many instances from tortured
flights out of Europe.
We added to the horrors by refusing to take Jewish children during the war we helped generate.
What was the excuse: 'The U.S. doesn't believe in breaking up families.'
What a naked lie that was.

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