Monday, March 17, 2014

Rabid Ryan With His Atheist And Racist Pals

Does Paul Ryan realize we have no men in the inner city who draw welfare checks?
What is he talking about with this "culture of work" foul drivel ushering forth from his filthy mouth?
Who is he to ridicule an entire culture?
If inner city men don't work, how do they live, in the furtive imaginations of the right wing?
Does Ryan think people have to worship Ayn Rand and her ugly theories in order to have a worthy
culture? No wonder he and Scott Walker are such clots. Let them remain agglutinated then,
preferably outside the White House.
Scott Walker was completely useless as a Social Services of Wisconsin administrator. As such, the
taxpayers in Wisconsin payed someone twice to handle nearly every person's claim who eventually got services they qualified for during Scott's tenure.
Charles Murray and co. used nonsensical views to attach statistics to an intellectualized version
of the weeds growing in their twisted thoughts processes- weeds someone like President Obama could see growing from miles away, and therefore successfully skirt them.
Is Paul Ryan's 'culture of work' something he hasn't seen in generation after generation of inner city
men who bought so many homes in the cities after WWII?
These men weren't given an opportunity to buy their homes anywhere else.
And once the banks had sold the men their homes, they left the neighborhoods.
Many of the hardware stores left.
Butchers left.
Bakeries left.
Shoe repair stores left.
Grocers left.
Medical specialists left. Some General Practitioners
Dentists left, but thankfully were replaced.
So many established businesses left.
No concerns were left to take the places of these business, to hire people who had worked there previously, or been served previously, in most instances.
Minority businesses rarely got loans.
As jobs grew scarce, crime grew plentiful. Not vice verse.
When black people in my neighborhood finally got bank jobs around 1969, I worked for a while
in loans. Black men got loans at National Bank of Detroit for brand new Cadillacs.
Those who applied for used cars were turned down en masse.
Black men applying for home improvement loans in that year were turned down en masse.
Men who could not fill out the app very well because they spoke an Eastern European language
were nearly always loaned the cash they requested.
Most of the loans were granted to one company, though, not many individuals.
In Detroit, most businesses were liquor stores or beauty shops.
How many people can these businesses hire?
We do buy fast foods. So many inner city workers have those very low-paying fast food jobs.
Any businesses staying in our city,of course, had to endure continuously skyrocketing insurance costs.
So does R.R. believe the men he castigates should join the plumbers union?
Michigan is a right to work state so far in name only. How many Master Plumbers actually are
accepted for professional work here in Detroit? Our plumbers do good work, but aren't hired for
professional work at union wages.
How many of Detroit's professional electricians are registered with the state. and offered union work.
I worked with a teacher here in the city whose husband worked on the Detroit Metropolitan Airport
renovations a few years back. I knew he was an engineer, and she was a black teacher. I felt a surge
of pride when I spoke to her about it. I said, "It's very unusual for black engineers to get those
professional big jobs. So I see progress has been made."
She laughed a little, saying- "Oh, my husband is not black."
I remember thinking, 'do tell- same ole same ole'.
I know so many black engineers who did so well in school. When they get into the world of work,
they do the work; but someone else's name goes on the big projects.
Black guys are not hired as Journeymen nine times out of ten at best, and many times they are
not hired ten times of ten unless they get a municipal hire.
Black men in this city bury their male relatives who have worked themselves to death in many cases.
Black men work as hard in civilian life as they do when they join the armed services.
And for many, many years after Social Security began getting deducted form many of our paychecks
in this community, black men who worked for the deductions got no chance at all to collect payments. They had such a high death rate from getting the 'last hired, first fired' low seniority,
most labor intensive jobs.
When did Paul Ryan or Scott Walker ever get behind an inner city jobs initiative so they could
see if black men would apply for the jobs. Oh wait...they became leaders so that they could criticise
and vilify the jobless, not so they could work on unemployment issues. Why would leadership
suggest something of that sort?
These poisonous men have no leg to stand on when discussing our inner city cultures. Yes, we have
Men in my culture have been working and soldiering in this country for 400 years. They can bet their
bottoms dollars no such thing can likely be said of their ancestors.
Plantations, ship building, (for trading and transporting African workers and the crops they brought forth) breeding farms, and many other detestable businesses built Wall Street,built Harvard, built the entire Atlantic seacoast, and funded the westward movement of American settlers across the plains
and into the mountains clear to the Pacific.
America was wilderness from 1492 until 1619.
In 1620, a year after the Africans arrived, for the first time a colonial settlement, inVirginia,  declared a profit.
The work they did for centuries to come cost them dearly, is still costing their children's children's
children; but made it possible for America to receive the tired and poor ancestors of the Paul Ryans
and Scott Walkers in this country.
Poisonous little people like Ryan and Scott have to spew forth the filth in them, and so why not spew
it all over someone else's culture- not the one which sadly spawned them.

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