Monday, December 8, 2014

We Cannot Get Justice/ Only Accountability

The boys killed by freaks drawing paychecks from the cash flow of the citizens whose children they are gunning down have the power to take life- not to give it back.
If the lily-livered could give it back, we would have a chance for real justice.
As it is, all we can do is to make sure the grand jury arm of the government which sanctions these vile behaviors as legal continues to get enough black eyes that they really cannot see; thereby making themselves as obsolete as town blacksmiths.

Losing A Young, Unarmed Son Or Daughter To Needless Paid-For Violence: Unimaginable

We don't in any way need government-sanctioned slaughter of our children in the streets.
Police have no right to absolute power over any citizen in a free country.
My daughter was gotten off the sidewalk when she was a senior in high school. She was chalking
up her elevated view of her class at the city curb. The officer realized after a day or two she went right back out there when he wasn't looking. Did he shoot and kill her, no he didn't. His mom was
probably not a crack-head.
I still have my child. She is a grown woman with two kids of her own, but I have as one of my dearest memories the day I dressed her to get her home from the maternity ward when she was three
days old. Mike Brown Jr.'s mom deserved her grandchildren too. She remembers bringing her baby
home to introduce him to living in the world.
She never once imagined teen-aged high spirit in her boy would attract a freak in her neighborhood to
shoot the whole place up, and leave her child to lie in the streets full of "police" lead.
We no longer have a right to criticize Tiannamen Square. America is losing credibility quickly.
Heavily armed, full grown, professionally trained men happily profess to be terrified of unarmed,
individual youths.
How is anyone supposed to take people like that seriously?
Aren't the killers the ones who are murderous thugs when they have attack an unarmed person over cigarettes- six or seven to one?!
One of the policemen who was on duty at a popular island on the Detroit River saw my girl playing
there with her water-gun rifle. The officer stopped her and told her the play was unsafe because the gun looked too real.
Did he draw down on her when he told her to stop playing with that rifle toy?
No he didn't.
She was a bit of a fireball in those days, but she would never have killed anyone.
Thank heavens the parents of the officers my child encountered can probably say the same thing of their sons when those sons were able to realistically assess when no danger was threatening in their immediate environments.
The most decent parents of policemen are like the parents of other people; they know their children
are not very likely to be killed by unarmed citizens.
A lot of people in this world would have no life or very diminished lives if that policeman had killed
that particular seventeen-year-old child all those years ago.
She earned a degree in Honors Psychology from the Honors College at the University of Michigan,
and she did a lot of real world research on her professors projects with troubled portions of several
communities as she worked toward that degree. She even did some work in South Africa.
She actually used her calculus and statistics academics to translate problems of people who were part of the pools in her testing samples into problems with hopes of some realistic insight, if not change, for those most intimately affected by the troubled lifestyles she was studying.
Eric Garner's mom has been looking forward to her son being with her as she grew older.
Tamir Rice's mom deserved to see her grandchildren.
These people were killed because they had no sense of needing to show blind, unthinking obedience
to unreasonable, nutty, policemen?
Well- people still won't do that.
But we do have to find a way to protect our children from rabid dogs- even those on two legs.
The Klan has ripped off the white robes and replaced them with blue pants.
But garbage by any other know.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Murder, Government-Sanctioned Murder

Doesn't the murder of unarmed persons, even children,  just make you feel so peaceful, all over?
The government keeps asking for "peace" as a response to murders...unanswered culpability in murders.
That is what it is supposed to do.
Is it supposed to do anything else?

Black On Black Is Way More Than Crime

While these murdering slack-jawed and their similar leaders( like Rudy Giuliani) are saving us from ourselves, they might think a bit more about increased efforts to curb serial killing, and even more- serial rape.
Oh, but a preponderance of those people aren't normally black.
I see now.

So How DO Americans Continue To Exploit Resources In The Black Community?

Banks do it with needlessly high interest rates for so many minority citizens.
Oh I reports, right? Those things at so many levels in our society are mainly gimmicks.
Mayor Bloomberg was masterful at it.Stop dark people. Cheat dark people. Collect from dark people.
Real estate does it, again, with unsightly interest rates.
Insurance does it. Dark people pay high rates because they live near other dark people. Why would
they do such living?!
Retail does it often by accusing every tenth minority customer and/or minority salesperson of theft.
Ferguson did it with globs of phony enforcement of phony laws. Disobey, and get lit up by the very violent, very dim son of a crack-head. Sounds OK?
So how will America continue to do exploit the black community if they don't have a plethora of goon enforcers and slightly more capable legal scorers?
Oh, are they called prosecutors?
No. That is silly. All they do is keep score.
1. We scammed this many dollars from the black/brown community today.
2. We deprived this many persons from the black/brown community for our bogus jails today.
3. We can count about how many times we can do all this again tomorrow!
So if Americans do find slicker ways to press their tricks, when will they ever outgrow murder,
and murderous enforcement?

Let's Know The Average IQ Of An American White Police Person

We are afraid to know, but we most likely should know.
What many of us have known for years, is that it isn't affirmative action which deposits dummies in positions of responsibility in this country, rather it is the indiscriminate scooping up of enough
Caucasians to keep an entity majority white...any Caucasians.

Let's Breathe Enough To PREVENT ORGAN FAILURE!

"I can't breathe."
Eric Garner wanted to get enough breath to live, not just enough to beg for his life.
Who has to be a doctor to understand that?
These po pos must have been some truly goofy beasts.
They were choking, pressing the man's head, his upper body: five or more against one.
These goons had guns, sticks, tazers, and numbers when nothing whatever was at stake.
They claimed they were guarding against biting and spitting.
Did they also sit on the man's legs, and tie his feet?
Did they plan to pull out his fingernails to keep him from scratching?
People do struggle against unjust brute force.
Are police people not prepared for that without employing unnecessarily torturous tactics
to curb a man's natural instinct? Isn't the preparation for struggle, when no imminent danger
is presenting, the reason they want to be called "professional"?
Lot's of luck- because public perception of you and your methods as worse than those at Abu Ghraib will live in perpetuity.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Selling Loosies, The New Reason For 'Stop And Frisk'

You won't get killed for open carry in Ohio unless you are a black.
You won't get killed for flagging down a police car when yours stops in the boonies- unless you're
You won't get tasered to death on the subway unless you're black.
You won't get shot in the head for not being pulled into a police car, unless you're black. Etc. etc. etc.
But the BTK killer got to go to trial.
Ted Bundy got to go to trial.
The Green River Killer got to go to trial.
Police tried to get the Craig's List killer to trial.
Jeffery Dahmer got to trial.
John Wayne Gacy got to go  to trial.Etc. etc.
Oh! Well, those were white guys. So different, right?

We Better Get T' Steppin'

I was alive and well during all of the sixties.
I love Dr. King immensely because his heart was in the right place, and he did his level best to
elevate all black lives to standards of equal justice and opportunity.
However, he was met with nothing at all by way of cooperation from state or local authority.
Federal authorities tried as best they could to offer their cooperation to Dr. King.
But America was, and in many ways still is, a bunch of stupid little city-states.
I know when POTUS was a senator he offered us a picture of a unified country.
I think he had a country like that in his dreams. I don't know how real it was.
Americans reserve the right to be OK and entitled while backward, if they are white.
Americans reserve the right to keep to being dirt poor and still entitled, if they are white.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was vilified in the northern press for organizing and marching 'without
permission' because many times when he applied for local permits, they were denied.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was attacked by dogs.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was attacked by water hoses.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was jailed.
Dr. King's peaceful protests got us very very little. They got him respect chiefly at federal levels.
Medgar Evers was gunned down in his own driveway.
James Meredith was shot.
Ferderal troops had to protect kids going to school from mobs.
The authorities did none of that to Malcolm X.
They jailed Huey Newton as many times as they could, but he kept to his beliefs.
But we as black citizens got nothing of substance from this country from peaceful protests alone.
After the '67 and '68 riots, I finally got a job at the bank in my neighborhood.
White people didn't live in my neighborhood, but all the staff in that bank were white except one teller, until circa 1969.
Even in 1969,when Detroit was a very black city, not one black person worked in its mail room
at main office in downtown Detroit.
When we finally elected Coleman A. Young as mayor, in early the early 1970s, police stopped putting their guns to the temples of black men shouting "up against the wall m.....f.....!' and/or
other expletives to that effect.
We obviously paid a price to be free of that horror, but it took the death of our beloved Mayor, and
thirty years.
We have lost two other good mayors to insanely hostile out-city forces since Mayor Young died.
Still, we have the basic respect of the police forces here so far, and we realized we have paid a heavy
price for it.
It doesn't seem fair that 'live and let live' should be so hard to come by in an American city when we are discussing police departments. But we are not one bit surprised.
Several black millionaires still live in Detroit. And they know there is nowhere less hostile they can live around here.
We can be peaceful. We can march without violence; but it had better start working.
Dr. King gained power when Malcolm and The Panthers offered us alternatives.
Nelson Mandela gave up nonviolence; but he gained most power when first Buthelesi, and then Winnie's Boys offered black South Africans alternatives.

Are You Safe?

No matter what your race, creed, color, or ethnicity, in America you are safe from black people, safe from black lives, if you are in close proximity to a police station or police person.

Another U.S. Policing Trophy...Dripping In Blood

I cannot measure what po pos are doing for the black community; however, Mr. Eric Garner helps me
see even more clearly today what they are doing to the black community.
I do not acknowledge the Staten Island Grand Jury's decision.
I do not accept it. It enlarges the lie nothing has happened which needs prosecuting. The killing lie.
Eric Garner did spend the last seconds of his life trying to save his life. I do acknowledge that.
I commend him for that. He repeated as often as he could, "I can't breathe."
I am not surprised no one was listening. And neither was the Staten Island grand jury. Why?
Hey- it was Staten Island.
When someone loses his life because you and your buddies are committing an illegal act, why would
it matter to his community that you are wearing a badge? It would not. It does not. You are a killer,
You deserve to go on trial. You deserve to go to prison. Read Freud. There are no accidents.
Mr. Garner is unfortunately another bloody trophy for the ISIL-type executors who hunt and kill in
the black community.
I don't understand what Peter King is thinking to believe police officers a friends to the black community.
They are not.
If black citizens are upsetting them, they may unleash any manner of fines, levies, arrests, or even
If black citizens are minding their own business, police may still unleash onto them any manner of fines, levies, arrests, or killing.
When black citizens actually call police (as we are reluctant to do, of course) if there is a black officer available, he or she may answer the call. If only a white officer is available, well, prepare to
wait until the situation has resolved itself.


Maybe, and I mean a big, qualified maybe, if the man has made you first lady of the United States of
America, and you have a child by him, and you need to live with Secret Service, and the man is going to help you in your attempts to become a U.S. Senator,and then President of the United States yourself, then maybe if the man disgraces you, or shows any hint of being otherwise threatening toward you, you should consider the possibility of continuing to live with him if you are living with
him already.
I don't recommend it- but I don't exactly condemn it.
In any other circumstance I would say, at least plot your escape!
A guy you are committed to is not supposed to act on or admit to you his randier feelings for other women.
A guy you have agreed to spend time with is not supposed to be able to hit you, shout at you, berate you, ridicule you, lie to you, shove you, lie about you, otherwise betray you or your confidence, block your path, withhold affection, withhold liquid finances, show frequent jealousy, envy, or suspicion toward you, threaten you, ignore you, or treat your other loved ones badly.
Naturally, it works both ways. However, as nature would have it, spontaneous non-weaponized acts
against a person by a man have a great deal more potential for serious harm than do those same acts
perpetrated by a woman, in most cases.
Couples who treat each other in this way should be in therapy, separately and together.
Therapy is expensive, but people do what they can to avail themselves of help buying a car, buying
a house, getting other sorts of health care. This care is no less important.
Behaviors I mention are even more destructive when people accustomed to them don't see them as
particularly harmful.
They are particularly harmful.
And whatever you do now to shake them off, blunt their effects, you may not be able to do if you are
to become an old person.
I can't understand what makes people feel they cannot do without such treatment. I think in many cases it's true the person enduring such treatment is already broken, and so would go out and find some other abusive, or thoughtless person to 'put up with' them. So the poor treatment would not stop. It would trade administrators.
At some point though, attempting The Courage To Heal might well be worth the time, emotion, and
effort of increased happiness with self.
If necessary, being alone can be fun without submitting to loneliness.
Couples should be couples only when they consistently admire one another, and frequently offer
one another praise and appreciation.
Arguments should take apart concepts, not partners. 

No Way Dude

If Ray and Janay Rice think grown-ups believe this is the first time he has gotten violent with her, they must live in la-la land.
The poor girl had barely recovered when the brute rushed her to the altar.
They didn't marry after high school.
They didn't marry when they knew Janay was pregnant.
They didn't marry when their child was newly born.
Her getting knocked unconscious, a very dangerous occurrence by the way, made them embrace
a romantic commitment. Well, well, well, actually, a great many of us have read Ntozake Shange's
'For Colored Girls...' from cover to cover. We are not confused, not one bit on this matter.

Mr. Ray Rice

He is a very public figure, dependent upon public support in order to thrive n his profession.
I have yet to see the man on camera with his wife when he allows the public to see him treating
her respectfully by saying, "I am so sorry for what I did to you that day. I will never do anything
like that again."
He cannot say it. He would choke on it.
He saddles up to it, then says something else instead, something so syrupy- it's barely palatable.
If enough people buy it, he can go back to work.
He seemed to be saying a lot of players, and even people in general, have done worse in his estimation (which may be worth dime right now) but he happened to get caught on camera.
The reason I don't think he should make that point, because a lot of men with only ordinary public
exposure have done actual time for doing a whole lot less than he did.
As a matter of fact, all professional sports players should be held to the same violence standards
boxers must adhere to in this country.
I personally think he should delve into lifelong therapy, and get into some other line of work.
At some point in his therapy he may be ready for the speakers' circuit outlining for youngsters what
possible life stressors often lead to partner attacks, both physical, and verbal.
Or maybe he could play for the Etoro tribesmen in New Guinea. They would love him.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

RIP Elub

She is a young attorney, and Elub was the first pet she ever had. I understand today she lost him. I feel he'll be back. I wish him luck.

Young Unarmed Black Men Are Being Gunned Down By Policemen

So we should be calm and peaceful, then, right?
You can tell me.

Bill Cosby: Maybe Just Be Woody Allen

Possibly Allen's behavior of admitted child neglect, and possible statutory sexual misconduct and incest were judged mainly as the quirkiness of a genius.
I hate rape with a vengeance; but you haven't replied to  charges, so maybe we should think of you
as a quirky genius.

Chris Hayes Of MSNBC: Intellectualizing Murder

We can intellectualize murder, sure.
We can plumb the philosophical depths of motivations.
We can examine the psychological backgrounds of perpetrators.
We can study the sociological possibilities of opportunity.
We can scour the landscapes of means.
In some terrible, terrible cases, we can go on forever asking how much proof is enough?
We can find numerous academics to say what we want to hear. Some will even say the
actual earth we inhabit is getting colder.
So we can talk ourselves to death about murder.
But then of course we are in many cases just putting more lipstick on that proverbial pig,
Or even worse, we may be spreading more manure than is easily found on short notice.

Are Policemen Afraid Of Young Black Men?

Apparently, for the most part, they are terrified of unarmed young black men.

Janay Palmer

She's between a rock and a hard place.
She may want to be an NFL wife for many reasons.
She may want to support the wild man for many reasons.
However, the rest of us have to let her, or each other know, that the things she has been saying
about the violence she has encountered at the hands of her partner are the things most all victims
of rape and violence say: "From here on in, I want to be in control of the process- including the
decisions on what happens to the perpetrator."
That sounds wonderful, but it is not. I understand the sentiment of letting 'control' be the new healer.
However, we need more honest healing in these matters of partner violence. Control was lost to the predator, and like it or not, taking control once the barn door has been left open puts the entire remainder of the community at risk, randomly. The best thing for an individual to do in an immediacy may not be the most protective thing for that individual, or his or her community, which has also suffered the horror of violence in their midst.
We have to get to the point where as a society, we treat crimes like crimes.
We have to give up the P.J. O'Rourke title mind set. We cannot continue to 'give violent love a chance'.

Janay Palmer's Dad?

The other man in Ray Rice's interview with Matt Lauer today, seemed a man in real pain, suffering
real grief. Maybe he felt an pang of the destruction he could suffer if this Ray Rice turns out to be an
O.J. Simpson.
During Ray Rice's speeches, the man looked up in the air, rolled his eyes, maybe looked at Mtt Lauer, or fixed his gaze onto Janay's face. I didn't see him look at Mr.Rice even once. I didn't see
Janay return her dad's fixed stare, even briefly.
When Matt Lauer indicated there might not be a possibility that years from now Mr. and Mrs. Rice's
daughter would Google her dad to have his on the field stats be the first thing to po up- finally dad spoke.
He said, "Not at all!" quite audibly on camera.
To me what that father is thinking to present in that way is this: 'All the football in the world can't make you a man.'
Janay's mom: kept very still...kept her face off camera.
Janay seemed compliant, disappointedly compliant.

The Ferguson Police Dept./ Prosecutors

Goons...muerderous goons.

The St. Louis Police Dept.

Are you deaf and dumb?
The community in St. Louis hasn't reached the conclusion the Ferguson grand jury found.
You going to force them to accept it?
What you call 'law', that community calls 'lynching'. Get it?
You going to shove it down their throats that they believe what that jury believes? They don't believe
Maybe you should grow up. The St. Louis Rams are largely black citizens. They have to stand with
their community if they love the community.
If every last one of you badge-loving excusers should disappear tomorrow...fine. You can be replaced.
If you'd like to leave your jobs, do that.
Those of you who are attempting to 'whitewash' what black citizens are now doing legally in this country ... drop dead.

Killers Need To Be Held Accountable

In that way, perhaps fewer young black men will be shot in cold blood, in broad daylight, the new lynchings.

Remember "George" - The Magazine of John Kennedy Jr.

George used to encourage black men to teach their boys to handle a gun properly.
He must have known a lot we only suspected.

Would You Like Your Woman To Express Unfailing Love And Admiration?

Cold-cock her.

Below: What The 'Ferguson' Prosecutor Believes Happened August Ninth, The Year Of Our Lord, Two-thousand Fourteen

Thanksgiving Friday, Etc.

We honored Mike Brown Jr.'s memory by ignoring Black Friday, small business Saturday, and cyber Monday. Maybe it should be called White Friday.
Black Friday sales were down 11%. That has to mean many white people avoided it too; either in
solidarity, or from being tired of it, because African Americans are only about 11% of the American
population, and when we consider the group John Fugelsang so hilariously calls the "self-loathing
black people" we know 11% don't support Mr. Brown or his family.
Some businesses had a great cyber Monday though, I've heard.
We had gotten a honey-baked ham on Wednesday before Thanksgiving.
We are happy to have four days off; but we don't feel thankful for how Native Americans were
misled by the mentally retarded who came ashore in Massachusetts, etc. in their land, then got
surprised when they saw real British soldiers.
Most of us stayed in with the kids.
The kids were driven by computer games, dolls, TV cartoons, and new hairdos.
We were gossiping and preparing meals and treats all day.
There was a stewing hen. I have a butcher; but it's hard to convince some of my friends a stewer is
very much different than a roaster or fryer.
I covered it with Smart Water after stuffing it with two big leeks whose outer leaves were stripped and scrubbed.
We had the best broth in the world from a cooking over low flame. We didn't all need even salt.
We had a corned bread with very little corn meal.
We had coffee.
We had a pot roast.
We had fried chicken with Ton's nine herbs and spices.
Saturday was equally relaxed.
We had Toni's huge biscuits and a lot of stuffing with Bran's gravy.
Kids played. We took turns chatting and sleeping.
We truly deserved a four day break, and we loved it. The kids refused to leave the house, but on
Saturday afternoon two of them went back to Illinois.
The teenager in our house drew her fashions on Sunday.
Aaah ... Sunday for the grown-ups ... egg nog!

Thanksgiving In The Suburbs 2014

Eerily quiet...
Heard no real conversations.
What's happening?
Maybe we'll find out between now and next year.