Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Another U.S. Policing Trophy...Dripping In Blood

I cannot measure what po pos are doing for the black community; however, Mr. Eric Garner helps me
see even more clearly today what they are doing to the black community.
I do not acknowledge the Staten Island Grand Jury's decision.
I do not accept it. It enlarges the lie nothing has happened which needs prosecuting. The killing lie.
Eric Garner did spend the last seconds of his life trying to save his life. I do acknowledge that.
I commend him for that. He repeated as often as he could, "I can't breathe."
I am not surprised no one was listening. And neither was the Staten Island grand jury. Why?
Hey- it was Staten Island.
When someone loses his life because you and your buddies are committing an illegal act, why would
it matter to his community that you are wearing a badge? It would not. It does not. You are a killer,
You deserve to go on trial. You deserve to go to prison. Read Freud. There are no accidents.
Mr. Garner is unfortunately another bloody trophy for the ISIL-type executors who hunt and kill in
the black community.
I don't understand what Peter King is thinking to believe police officers a friends to the black community.
They are not.
If black citizens are upsetting them, they may unleash any manner of fines, levies, arrests, or even
If black citizens are minding their own business, police may still unleash onto them any manner of fines, levies, arrests, or killing.
When black citizens actually call police (as we are reluctant to do, of course) if there is a black officer available, he or she may answer the call. If only a white officer is available, well, prepare to
wait until the situation has resolved itself.

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