Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Get To Political Intersection/ Turn Right?

Speaker of the House in our new Republican U.S. Congress of 2015, Rep. John Boehner, tearfully accepted the gavel from former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, sounding way less combative than he did when he was sworn in as Speaker in the last Congress.
I am waiting for the other shoe to drop.
In the last Congress Speaker Boehner had Eric Cantor on his heels just as he had Louie Gohmert and gang barking at him this time. 'Why so pale and wan fond lover' of this Republican House?
Or perhaps Speaker Boehner senses because hardly anyone voted in this 2014 election, he has more
room to legislate if he chooses to do so because though the House is Republican; it has a majority
without a mandate.
The tea party, which loves to shred any ideas of governance, can be vocal, and can be heard, but what
actual threats do they have to offer now since 2016 is not going to be a right-wing landslide? And if
some Democrats are willing to work with this Speaker on key pieces of legislation, the teas won't be
able to do more than whine through Dr. Seuss again and again on the Senate floor.
Nancy Pelosi, for her part, as she handed over the gavel, didn't hesitate to refer to her Italian heritage
almost in the same breaths as she praised former Governor Mario Cuomo, and slapped Chris Christie,
also a fellow Italian, by praising Speaker Boehner for loving his Ohio State football.
She seemed to be saying the heritage of principals and loyalties should often trump the heritage of politics.
If the former Speaker really feels this way, her leadership may keep Congress from moving too far right.
The Keystone Pipeline vote should be one which Democrats refuse to endorse, because so many Democratic constituents have voiced strong opinions about the negative effects it poses for them, and for its communities.
Immigration should be a firestorm; but it shouldn't turn the country right. So many Congresspersons
have actually suggested grave fines and jail times for persons who don't pass the new 'trials by fire'
for citizenship.
Senator Barbara Boxer has suggested severe fines and jail times for anyone found guilty of voter
fraud as well. So isn't that a voter suppression technique? Do we need a right-winged threat from Democrats regarding voter fraud? We don't have enough voter fraud to warrant the kinds of threats she suggests. So many voters will feel the possibility of false accusation from the threat of such stiff
and punishing personal prosecutions following any irregularity in any vote.
Extremists would use those laws as a 'voting death' penalty for many ordinary citizens fearing faulty
prosecutions from a country hostile to the power of the vote in poorer political constituencies.
Some would say the way Latino immigrants have already suffered so that so many other Americans could 'scream the dream', should be quite enough payment already for requesting citizenship. Perhaps the Hispanic Caucus will be vocal on many of those stories. I personally know a great many of them.
Congress should move as well on presenting municipalities with special prosecutors for police shootings.
But how does that fit into a right-leaning agenda? Democrats have to push to the left in order for policy to arrive anywhere near even the middle.
If Speaker Boehner wants to provide the jobs he has been asking about, he has a lot of room to get
infrastructure going and even to take credit for those jobs. Speaker Pelosi would help him do that
for the good of American public policy.
As the American population shrinks, we need more and more citizens to be well-educated professionals. We already have a lot of rich foreign nationals in our universities. If Speaker Boehner
wants to advance an agenda which will offer Americans good chances for critical thinking education
completion, I believe he could get help from Democrats.
Rather than tacking on absurd amendments to good legislation so that our country can be a haven for right-winged nonsense, why not 'get a fire goin' for real American progress, and take credit for
As I digress to entertainment, I have to admit today that I truly hated 'The Wire' because it seemed
to be a secretly right-winged wonder fantasy. But hey- I'm a Detroiter. I think Big Sean could have written "The Wire" in a much better way. I also have to admit I often watched the show because 'Bumpy' was just my guy.
In the 'Wire', all black people seemed angry with all other black people- all of  the time.
In the 'Wire' daytime is dark. Afternoon is dark. Night is dark. What a pain.
But if it's coming back, I will look for Bumpy.

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